Okino Computer Graphics - Professional 3D File Conversion Software (2025)

The following is a small, selective sub-list of notable companies that have registered their Okino PolyTrans or NuGraf.These programs are being used by many tens of thousands of the top Fortune 1000companies; to high-end movie/multi-media production companies such as ILM, PIXAR and Walt Disney; to all major world-wide military, aerospace and government institutions; to all well known research institutes and universities; to all major game companies, and many others. In general, if a company works with 3D then most probably they own or at least use Okino software. This list does not include any products assigned to personal users or personal users who have purchased software for their employers, to protect their identities.

We truly appreciate having such a wonderful user base of 3D professionals.

It is fairly common for CAD software vendors to provide a breakdown of their user base by Fortune 100 companies, Global 100 companies, and so on. For those interested, we provide this breakdown as follows (based on our customers who actually registered their names with us). However, as interesting as these statistical numbers are, the majority of our user base is composed of people like yourself -- basically anyone and everyone who deals with 3D graphics.

Fortune 100 Companies, 33 of 100

Aloca,Apple, Amazon, AT&T, Boeing,Bristol-Myers Squibb,Cardinal Health, Caterpillar,Coca-Cola, DELL, Deere & Co, Dow Chemical, EDS,FedEx,Ford, General Dynamics, General Electric, General Motors,Google, Honeywell,HP, IBM, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Lockheed Martin,Microsoft, Motorola,Northrop Grumman, Proctor & Gamble,Time Warner, United Technologies,Walt DisneyandWalmart. The remainder are companies who do not necessarily deal in 3D graphics, such as a large number of insurance, credit, drug and retail related companies.

Global 100 Companies, 45 of 100

Autodesk,BASF,BMW,Boeing,Bombardier,BP, Costco, DaimlerChrysler,Dassault Systems,Ericsson,Ford,Fujitsu,General Electric,General Motors, Google,Hitachi,HP,Honda,Hyundai,IBM,Johnson & Johnson,Kone,Matsushita,NEC,Nippon T&T, Novo Nordisk,Nissan, Peugeot, Proctor & Gamble, Renault,Robert Bosch, Samsung Electronics,Schneider Electric,Shell Group,Siemens,Sony,Tesco,Time Warner.Toshiba,Toyota,Thyssen, Unilever,Valeo,Volkswagon andWalmart.

Top 21 Defense Contractors

Alliant Techsystems,BAE Systems, Boeing, Computer Sciences Corp.,DCNEADS,Halliburton,Honeywell,General Dynamics,General Electric,L-3 Communications,Lockheed Martin,Mitsubishi,Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Rolls-Royce,Science Applications International Corp., Thales,United Defense Industries and United Techologies.

Missing or unregistered: Finmeccanica Italy

Top 17 Automotive OEM Manufacturers

Audi AG,BMW,DaimlerChrysler,Ford, General Motors,Honda, Hyundai, Man AG,Mazda,Mitsubishi,Nissan, Peugeot,Renault, SKODAToyota, Volkswagon and Volvo.

Animation, Production & Multi-Media Companies

There is no definitive, income-ranked list of animation, production & multi-media companies that we are aware of. Our list of users who fall into this category are so numerous that you are best to just scan through this long WEB page. CAD data to animation package data repurposing, and cross animation package conversion, are two of Okino's industry leading and standard offerings.
The Fortune 100 and global 100 lists were obtained from Fortune magazine. The top 21 defense contractor list was obtained from U.S. Pentagon's current top 100 list. The automotive list was obtained from "Industry Week" magazine.
The following is the current short list of notable users found in our PolyTrans product brochure. An equal number of users were chosen per market segment so not to bias one market segment over another.

Animation, Production Studios, 3D Effects Companies

Adaptive Media, Aldis Animation, Amaze, Animal Logic, Animation Science, Applied 3D Science, Argonaut, Arkitek Studios, Aardman Animations, BBC tv, Blur Studios, BrainCell Pictures, Broadsword Interactive, CBC Canada, Caribiner, CG2, Cirring Interactive, Cinemagic, Cinesite, Crambambouli, Creatures, Criterion, Crush Interactive, Dawn Interactive, Deutsche tv, Digital Anvil, Digital Artworks, Digital Forays, DNA, Dream Team, Disney Interactive, Digital Animations, DreamWorks Interactive, Encore Video, Enthed Animation, Entertainment Design Workshop, Evermore Entertainment, Flying Spot, FOX Studios, Framestore, Frantic Films, Fun Key Studios, GestureTek, Gigawatt Studios, Granda tv, Grollier, Head Games, Hiero Graphics, HumanCode, ICON, ILM, Infobyte, Imagine Interactive, In-Media, Interactive Media, Lionhearth, Looped Picture, Marathon, MindInMotion, Mirashade, National Geographic tv, NBC, NFB Canada, Pacific Title, Paradigm Productions, Pixel Liberation Front, P.I.X.A.R, Praxis Films, Quantum 3D, Rainmaker Entertainment, Red Lemon Studios, Riot, Sony Interactive, Tangerine Films, Tokyo Broadcasting, TOSC, Toybox, Vantage Point Imaging, VFX Interactive, Viewpoint Digital, Visual Approach, Walt Disney, Warner Brothers, Weta Digital, Westwood Studios, WildTangent.

Corporate Users

3M, Acuity, Ademco, Alcoa Aluminum, Adler Planetarium, ATI, Aurora Biosciences, BASF, Baxter Health Care, Beumer Maschinenfabrik, Caterpillar, Coca-Cola, Corel, Daimler Benz, Danfoss, Discreet Logic, Dolby Labs, DPS, EDS, Eastman Kodak, Edmunds, Evans and Sutherland, FedEx, Flight Safety, Fuji, Fujitsu, GE, GE Medical, GE Lighting, Google, GTE, Guidant, Hitachi, Home Shopping Network, Honeywell, HP, Hummingbird, IBM, Informix, IKEA, IMSI, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Knott Labs, Kubota, LEGO, Kimberly-Clark, LightWork Design, Logitech, Lucent, Mattel, Matrox, McGraw Hill, McLaren Cars, MIT Media Lab, Microsoft, Mitel, Moog, Motorola, NEC, NHN Corp, Nikon, Nippon T&T, NRC Canada, National Instruments, Nokia, Nippon Systemware, NVIDIA, Obusforme, Panasonic, Panavision, Philips, Pitney Bowes, Proctor & Gamble, Raychem, Rockwell, Sankyo, Sanyo, SDRC, Seiko/Epson, Shell, Siemens, SGI, Sony, Spacetec, Steelcase, SUN, Tesco, Time Warner, Toshiba, TRW, Whirlpool, Walmart.

Aerospace, Defense, Government Agencies

Airbus, Argonne NL, ATK Missile, Aerospace Corp, Australian DoD, Ball Aerospace, BAE Systems, Bombardier, Boeing, Cessna, Colt, CSC Defense, C.I.A, Cubic Defense, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace, DCIEM, EADS, F.A.A, General Dynamics, German Aerospace, GM Defense, Goddard Space, GreyStone, Halliburton, Hughes Aircraft, ITT Aerospace, Japan Space Agency, JPL, Kongsberg Defence, L-3 Communications, LLNL, Lockheed-Martin, LANL, Mitsubishi, NASA, NATO, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Rolls-Royce, Sandia National Labs, Royal Netherlands Army, Sikorsky, SPAR Aerospace, Swedish Defense, Swales Aerospace, Tenix Defense, Thales, United Space Alliance, United Defense Industries, United Techologies, Vector Aerospace, USGS, U.S Air Force, U.S Army, U.S Aviation & Missle Command, U.S CECOM, U.S Department of Defense, U.S ERDC, U.S Forensic Services, U.S National Guard, U.S Navy, U.S Secret Service, U.S Tacom, U.S TARDEC, U.S Topographic Engineering Center.

Automotive, Engineering and Manufacturing

Alcon Manufacturing, All Points Engineering, Amtec Engineering, Audi, Bishop Manufacturing, Brass Craft Manufacturing, British Aerospace, CAE Electronics, Corridor Engineering, Cumberland Engineering, DaimlerChrysler, DME, DOW Chemical, Dodson & Associates, Dyson, Eastman Woodworking, E-OIR Measurements, Exponent Failure Analysis, F&F Engineering, Festech, Festo, ForeFront, Ford, GM, Graco, HDR Engineering, Honda, Hunter Engineering, Hyundai, Industrial Engineering, Innovation Engineering, Jet Blades & Engineering, John Deere, Kenall Manufacturing, Koito Manufacturing, Kozo Engineering, Lathrop Engineering, LEGO Engineering, Man AG, MD Robotics, Mitsubishi Engineering, Motoman Robotics, Mitsubishi, Nicholson Manufacturing, Nissan, NK-EXA, Novo Nordisk Engineering, ORCA Engineering, PDQ Manufacturing, Progressive Engineering, Queensland Manufacturing, Quartus Engineering, R-Squared Engineering, RGE Engineering, Roland, SAAB, SIP Info, Sauder Woodworking, Smith International, Software Engineering of America, Spin Concurrent Engineering, Teledyne Brown Engineering, Tiltan System Engineering, Toyota, Veridian Engineering, Volkswagon, Volvo, Watkins Manufacturing, Woessner Engineering, York Engineering.

3D Game Development Companies

PolyTrans has been a staple production tool in most 3D game development companies since 1996: 8th Wonder, Accolade, Acclaim, Atari, Avalanche, Beyond Games, Bitmap Brothers, Blizzard North, Blue Sky, Broderbund, Cavedog, Climax, Crystal Dynamics, Dill Pixels, Dragonlore, EA, Ensemble Studios, Epic, Fasa, Funcom, GT Interactive, High Voltage Software, id Software, Immersia, Intelligent Games, Interplay, Ion Storm, Kaon, Kodiak Games, Leaping Lizard, LucasArts, Mak, Microforum, MegaMedia, Microprose, Mythic, Namco, Nintendo, Nocturnale, NuFx, Origin, Piranha Bytes, Rainbo Studios, Raven, Ronin Games, Reflections, Rockstar, Saffire, Secret, Sega, Software, Sierra On-Line, SingleTrac, Spacetime Arts, SPGS, Sports Simulation, Stage 22, StormFront Studios, Ubisoft, Universal Interactive, Virgin Interactive, Virtual World Entertainment (MechWarrior 3), Williams/Bally/Midway, Z-Axis, Zombie VR Studios.
Okino Computer Graphics - Professional 3D File Conversion Software (2025)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.