Reboot Vergil’s Yandere Alphabet - AnimeLoveLover123 (2024)

Abuse = Could they ever hurt you physically or mentally? What would be the reason?

Yes, and with very little remorse. You are deceived, misled, confused, and he has to help you see the truth. You will understand that your destiny is to be by his side, even if that means he has to hurt you. He isn’t as much into physical abuse, though he will employ it as severe punishments. Even then though it would not be something as cruel and barbaric as a beating. It would be more like a shock collar that electrocutes you if you misbehave or leaving you conscious as a tracking device is surgically implanted into your body.

Your mind is what he will hurt the most. From revealing the horrors of the world to you, destroying your blissful ignorance, to telling you that you are now a target for demons and he and The Order are the only ones that can protect you. He will even prove to you that some of the people who are close to you are spies that can’t be trusted and must be eliminated but showing you evidence. Evidence that may or may not have been fabricated depending on if the person is an actual threat or a personal threat to his relationship with you.

He will break you down so you feel like you only have, and only need, him.

Both = You are a Yandere too, what’s their reaction?

Everything becomes a competition between you two, a game of dominance and love. It is a back-and-forth, a constant struggle to be one step ahead of each other. You break into Kat’s room to try to eliminate her since she and Vergil had a bit of a romance before you came along only to find it empty with a note on the far wall. When you step in though the door slams closed behind you and locks you in. The note informs you that Vergil knew of your plan, has moved Kat to a safer location, and now that his trap has gone off he has been remotely notified and is on his way. Did you put something in his drink to knock him out? Well done dear, he is excited to see what you have in store for him when he awakens.

The only time it becomes a real issue is if your yandere acts get in the way of his mission, and even then he will just have you bound and gaged while he deals with business. Once he is finished he will find you in his room wrapped up like a present where he can punish you in the most delicious of ways.

Crazy = How easy do they enter crazy mode? How do they act when they are in it?

Vergil does not really lose his cool unless he feels threatened, and with him believing that, as a nephilam, he and his brother are superior to everyone, he does not feel threatened by much of anything. As a leader and having to keep many secrets from evyryone, like police, his adoptive family, and the fake friends in high society he keeps as a front to hide his true goals, he knows how to keep his cool. Even when he does start to feel threatened, like if Dante starts flirting with you or you two argue, he tries to assert dominance by staying calm and handling the issue with persuasion. If that fails though, then he snaps. He starts shouting, telling you and others to shut up, challenging people, all in a desperate ploy to regain control.

Difference = When can you notice a difference in behaviour in them? What are the first signs that their love for you is unhealthy?

It is very subtle, pretty much unnoticeable by anyone other than his right-hand woman Kat and his brother Dante. They are the ones that most likely bring Vergil’s shift in behaviour to your attention, whether intentionally or not. You will start getting special treatment in The Order, receiving fewer strenuous and dangerous missions while getting more compensation for your supposed “loyalty” and “hard work”. This could be seen as just him having a crush though. The real dive from an innocent growing crush into a twisted obsession is when he starts to cut off your ties to others, especially within The Order. If you so much as get a bit too friendly with another member of The Order, they are suddenly and unjustifiably sent out for what are basically suicide missions. And, though we have seen how he manipulates you into thinking others in your life are spies (see Abuse), if someone is dating you or even just flirting with you, they will one day just disappear off the face of the earth. They will leave a note or message to you explaining how they had some personal demons they had to deal with and have left town for self-healing and discovery. Only a few people are aware that that person is actually tied up in one of the many back rooms of The Order’s base, gagged, bloodied, and beaten.

Enjoy = Do they enjoy what they’re doing to you, your life and the people around you? Do they show it?

Vergil does not exactly enjoy it, but there is a satisfaction to when things go as planned. For example, after months of you running and hiding whenever he returns to his living quarters and him having to hunt you down and either coax you out or punish you, to then being able to walk through the door to find you eagerly waiting for him like a lonely pet, the rush of affection, pride, and satisfaction is indeed enjoyable.

Force = What, if any, kinds of things will they force on you? Isolating from friends and family? Going on dates? Physical affection and/or sexual acts?

If you break his trust or generally try to deny your destiny with him, he will force many things on you, such as punishments for misbehaving, imprisonment, and surgically inserting a tracking device.

If you never betray him though he won’t force things on you, but will trick you into them in a way. As an example, what if you have trouble with food, such as not being able to afford it, eating too much, too little, etc.…? Normally Vergil does not really care what you eat or your body not being of a particular shape. He is more interested in your mind and heart, plus all the advertising and subliminal messaging by big corporations that women must be thin and men must be muscular were just unobtainable standards made by demons to keep the humans in check. As long as you are happy and healthy, you can eat as you please. That’s the caveat though. If your relationship with food is unhealthy, mentally or physically, he will step in to help you but in a more subtle, secretive way. He’ll study what issues you are having and build a plan around it. He will subtly manipulate you into eating better, starting with “sharing his lunch”, which he always seems to make too much of to eat himself, and taking you out to eat. Then he will start planning dates around, or generally asking if you would like to engage in, cooking with him. Then, once you are living with him, he will have a personal chef who can make a healthy meal plan so you do not have to worry about anything. This manipulative plan would play out over the course of months but eventually, he will, in one sense of the word, force you into things like this for your benefit.

Gross = What is something they think is really romantic/sweet but is actually horrifying?

Vergil can destroy someone for you. I don’t mean simply killing them, though that is a possibility as well. Instead, he will use his business, his money, his fame, and his secret organization to socially and financially ruin someone. Whether it be someone who has terrorized you for a long time, maybe even traumatized you, or a co-worker that you complain about for making your job harder, Vergil will take things into his own hands. Within the month you will hear that that person lost their job, couldn’t support their family, and is now either in jail for crimes they did not commit or living on the streets doing horrible, degrading things just to get by.

In Vergil’s eyes, this is his way of protecting you and showing you how much he cares. He sees it similarly to a husband doing the dishes even though it was the wife’s turn to do them as a sweet gesture. But please, don’t feel guilty about it.

“Think of it as retribution for hurting you. Besides…” Vergil wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you to his chest so he can hug you as if your horrified reactions are the cries of a child being faced with something that they don’t understand that needs to be comforted. “now they can’t bother you anymore.”

Hide = How easy is it to hide from them?

Vergil runs a largescale underground resistance force that gathers information on, and eliminates, the biggest names in pop culture. You are not hiding from this man, at least not for long. No matter what corner of the country you run to, in limbo or the human world, you will be tracked down and brought back to him. Your only chance is if you find a rural town in another country and abstain from all kinds of internet usage. If you do anything from popping on to the internet to watch a YouTube video, to look up information, or even do things that involve the internet like using a bank, The Order will become aware and pin down your location. And at that point, you better start running because a very angry Vergil is on his way to “pick you up”.

Improve = Will they be willing to recover from this psychotic state for their lover?

Possibly. But only with the combined help of Kat, Dante, and you, the only people he trusts in the world. You have to sit him down and make it clear to him that doing things like keeping you locked up “for your protection” and hurting people who you don’t like, or like too much, is more so hurting your relationship than strengthening it. He is a logical man and, with evidence and a clear talking to, he will understand where you all are coming from and start working towards being better.

However, when Vergil is betrayed by Dante, Kat, and possibly you, then all that work and attempt to be understanding of your point of view is shattered along with his heart and morals. He becomes 10 times worse than he was before and no amount of talking, begging, or evidence will stop him from taking you and keeping you safe with him.

Justification = Why are they acting like this? When and how did it start?

The world is built on lies and illusions, and those who succeed are those willing and able to outmaneuver and manipulate. Vergil learned this at a young age after being adopted by a rich and powerful family with many skeletons in their closet. This is simply the way of things, but Vergil will use his power for the better. When he is in control he will protect and lead those too frail and simplistic with respect. And as a leader, there are tough decisions he has to make that some may see as cruel but he knows best. All war is fought with deception, and in the fight for love he will do what he must to have, protect, and cherish you as the superior being to most other humans you are.

Kidnap = Are they willing to kidnap you? If so, how will they do it? For how long will they keep you and where?

He is definitely willing to, though he won’t jump straight to the chloroform to do it. Instead, he will be patient. Like a stray cat being lured by food, slowly acclimated to someone’s house, then having the door closed on them and being officially claimed, Vergil will woo you with sweet words, luxurious gifts, and safety from the demon-infested world into The Order’s headquarters. At first, he lets you come and go, though he makes it hard as he fills rooms with your favourite things and showers you with affection whenever he can. Then, one day, you’ll find that the door has been closed on you.

He will keep you there until his plan has succeeded and he and his brother are ruling over the humans. Then you can be given a bit more freedom as his partner, though you will always have to be guarded.

If you don’t fall for the trap or escape after it has gone off, then Vergil won’t hesitate to go with a more… forward approach.

Lonely = They are feeling lonely but you are busy with something else, what will they do?

Vergil is a patient man, as comes with the territory of being the leader of a secret organization that has to move quietly and slowly toward their goals so as not to draw attention. Plus he can get very absorbed into his work to the point that he ignores you, and everyone else, for days on end. This is all to say, he can handle not having your attention for long bouts of time.

If he does come to the end of his rope though, he will consider what you are doing. Are you doing something that is important to you or will aid the mission? For example, if you are at the doctor's or doing espionage. If not, then he will find you and tell you that “there is a bit of a problematic situation, I need to speak to you privately right away”. When you follow him under the belief that your assistance is needed, you instead end up on a plush couch, drink in hand, and Vergil pressed up against your side. His hands will sensually caress your legs, hips, shoulders, and head, and his lips brush against your neck while he whispers praises and how lonely he has been without you as of late.

Moving On = If you die or escape, will they be able to move on? How easy will it be for them?

He has his mission, he will focus on that. And for a while that works, but after a few years as the ruler of humans, the loneliness sets in and his thoughts drift back to you. He may not have been able to find you while staying underground and in the masked human world. But now that the worlds are merged and he has armies of humans, demons, and angels alike, he will search all the realms for you. Even if you have died, he is the ruler of all, he will find a way to bring you back or at least bind your spirit to him.

Non-Stop = How clingy will they be when you’re in a relationship? How possessive are they? And how much free space do they give you?

He gives you quite a bit of freedom and space, even if you have betrayed him and his plan to rule over the humans. He himself enjoys some quiet, private time so in turn offers you plenty of opportunities to do the same. He also prefers to have special moments together and to be able to talk to each other at the end of most every day rather than being glued together at the hip all the time. As for possessiveness, though he does believe you to be his destiny, he will not act on it unless he feels legitimately threatened. Speaking of which…

Other = Someone else speaks to or flirts with you, how will they react?

Vergil sees himself as superior to all other beings, only matched by his fellow Nephilim brother Dante. So if some lowly human or demon attempts to gain your attention, he is not bothered as he knows he outclasses them in every way. He can simply sweep you off your feet at any moment and win your attention easily. His confidence is easily shaken though.

The moment his relationship with you feels threatened, such as if someone almost as good as him, like his brother, starts flirting with you or you seem to be reacting positively to the affection, his mood switches quickly. His calm and polite demeanour becomes colder, more boastful, and confrontational. He won’t be outright hostel, but he will subtly try to flex and pull your attention back to him. And if the person just keeps encroaching on you two… well Vergil knows plenty of ways to make someone disappear.

Persistent = You have rejected/ignored their first attempts at gaining your attention. How many more times will they try and how quickly will their actions ramp up in intensity?

Vergil is focused and committed to his plan so when you two first start to get to know each other and he throws a line but you don’t bite, he isn’t too bothered. But with every subsequent meeting, he gets more and more obsessed with you. Meeting you over and over, each time he sees something new in you. A new side that makes him more and more enamoured. Slowly but surely his attempts to woo you get more blatant. And if still you rebuff his advances, well, he will just have to jump straight to plan b on the kidnapping scheme.

Questioned = How do they react if someone catches on to their odd behaviour and questions them?

If it is someone who is oblivious to the true nature of the world then he will do his best to uphold the innocent, gentlemanly, naïve persona he puts on for the public. He will deny what he can, minimize what he can’t, and play to the idea that he did not have a normal upbringing, what with skipping most of high school and starting a business at such a younge age, so he is not sure how to treat the person he has feelings for. He didn’t know that having a bodyguard, or himself, chaperoning you around everywhere was wrong. He just wanted to help you get around and make you feel safe.

If this person is someone who knows his hidden side, such as members of The Order, then his patience will be thinner. He will still try to assure them that everything is fine and, though his methods are a bit odd, he is doing his best to be a good lover. And finally, if someone who knows his true self questions him, aka Dante or Kat, then he may just listen to their feedback.

Risk = How risky will they be with getting rid of rivals?

It depends on what stage of his plan he is in. If he is still working underground, laying low as he and his team gather information and grow stronger, then the risk level will be minimal. This is also dependent on how public his relationship with you is. If you met through The Order then discreetly disposing of pests can be done without garnering much attention. However, if you met outside of The Order, then your existence and relationship with him is plastered all over forums and rag mags within weeks. If a love rival suddenly goes missing, even if they were a nobody, the humans who spend all their time gossiping, theorizing, and judging others based on limited information will jump to the conclusion that Vergil had something to do with it. In this case, Vergil will have to stick to his usual tactic of flexing his power, money, and regal demeanour to outclass the love rival, hopefully making them step down from the competition for your heart willingly.

If this is after Vergil has taken Mundus’ place, then there is simply no risk. Vergil will deal with any who try to steal you away viciously and publicly as a way to assert dominance and let all others know that, though you are an imperfect being that stands as an equal to an all powerful nephilam like him. They are far below your level. He is the only one good enough for you.

Sweet = Even when they’re Yandere they can be sweet. What’s their sweet Yandere side?

Vergil is supportive of your hobbies, career, and passions, encouraging you to do what it is you desire. He believes that everyone has a destiny and whether yours is something grand like fighting for a cause or as mundane as learning to be an accountant, he will help and support you in any way he can. He will buy you supplies, look over your work, or just be a listening ear when you are struggling. He also wants you to be proud of what you do, not minimize your contributions. Yes, his mission to take down Mundus may be more life-changing, but that does not mean your path is not important or worthwhile. You have a destiny, and it is imperative that you follow it. And Vergil will be at your side the whole way.

Type = What type of Yandere are they?

Vergil is the manipulative type, using his intelligence, power, fortune, and influence to get what he wants. He will use your secrets, fears, and mental weaknesses to make you dependent on him. Do you have social anxieties? Stress from work and/or school? Panic about bills and debts? Then he will convince you that you don’t need to go through any of that. Quit your job and/or school, let him pay off your debts, and come live with him. You can stay home all day with no worries, let him take care of you and love you, all you have to do is love him in return.

Unsure = How much trust do they have in you? What happens if you break it?

Despite how cruel the world is and how untrusting Vergil is of pretty much all sources of news, authority, and power, he has a small group of people he trusts wholeheartedly. He trusts his brother Dante, his best friend Kat, and the love of his life, you. You can go out whenever and wherever you please, talk to whomever you want, as long as you come back safe to him. He will tell you of his desires, his hardships, his doubts, his insecurities, and his plans if you only ask. And he will listen to you and anything you need to get off your chest and try to help you through it. If you say you will do something, that you’ll help, and that you love him, he will believe you. At least until you betray him.

If, for example, after you all have defeated Mundus, you, Dante, and Kat turn against him, his trust in you three will be irreparably shattered. After he returns from hell with his army to take over the human world and kidnaps you, no matter how much you apologize and do everything he wants, he will never fully trust you again. To his dying breath, even after decades of your devotion and love, the scar on his heart will never fully heal.

Vexation = What is the one thing that you could do to piss them off or worry them the most?

When the time comes for him, you, Dante, and Kat to take the reigns and rule over the humans, if you turn against him and side with his brother then he is devastated. He had honestly expected all of you to understand why you all have been doing this and his desires, but it seems he was wrong. The heartbreak of the woman who has been with him the longest on this journey, his only living relative, and worst of all, the love of his life turning against him was immeasurable. It was nearly enough to make him not fight back when Dante lost control and nearly killed him. But he survived and slunk off into the demon world. Once he returns with his demon army though, his last shreds of humanity in him are thrown away, he seeks you out first and captures you. You may not understand now, but even if it takes years of imprisonment, passion, and brainwashing, Vergil will make you see your mistakes and understand that the place you belong is with him standing at the top of the world.

Welcome = Let’s say they’re Yandere for you but you’ve not had your first meeting. How do they initiate it?

Vergil is not going to come at you with all his dark secrets. No matter how much of his heart you have stolen, if he were to let out any of his secrets he could put himself, his loved ones, his countless workers, and his mission at risk. Not to mention his mission of ruling, leading, and caring for humans is hard for many to understand and accept, he knows that much. So at first, he shows you his public persona, of a prodigy of codding and business who was raised to be a gentleman by his giving, and rich, adoptive family.

He’ll set it up like you casually meet each other, charm you just a little, then leave. Then he will ‘just so happen to bump into you again’, a simple lie to cover up how he has been tracking you. From there you will slowly grow closer and he will subtly start preparing you to enter his world.

Xeric = What is an innocuous thing you do that hits a nerve in their twisted mind and really turns them on?

Wearing the clothes and accessories Vergil picked out and bought for you. Or, even better, things he had tailor-made. Everything fits you so perfectly, as he had them modified for your body shape, and accentuate your beauty and status. And to see you in something he picked or helped design added to the allure of the claim. You were his and your clothes were a blatant sign of that. The number of times he has had to excuse you both during an event because seeing you in that suit he designed was something he could not handle anymore without ravaging you in it. Bonus points if you both return to the gathering, clothes back in place, with your private areas still coated in slick, seed, and essence.

Yearning = They want you but you are already with someone else. How will they win you over/steal you from your current partner?

Vergil is well aware that he is better than your current partner in every way, he just has to show that to you. So suddenly he will become more of a show-off than usual but as a philanthropist so that he does not look selfish. He will also take the time to charm you directly with compliments, gifts, and invites, and suddenly seem to know a lot about all of your interests. And, if you are already aware of limbo and the demons that manipulate the human race, he will show you his tactical power.

His attempts to win you over quickly become blatant, done purposely so Vergil can assert superiority and show that he does not fear your partner. If he is confronted about this and asked about his intentions, he will be honest and maybe a bit smug about it.

“Stealing your partner? I’m not stealing them, I am fighting fairly for them. I am showing them what I have to offer, and considerin how you burst in here to shout at me to stop, it tells me that you’ve realized that you’re losing.”

Zealot = If everything fails, will they be able to kill their partner?

He will because he must. He has a mission to complete, a destiny that he must fulfill and people to save and rule. So if you prove to be a problem then you will be eliminated. The last shred of his love for you that you get to see before the world goes dark is that he could not bear to cut you down with his own hands. If he were to do that, the seeds of sorrow at lost potential would sow themselves too deep for him to ignore.

Reboot Vergil’s Yandere Alphabet - AnimeLoveLover123 (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.