Cedar Falls Gazette from Cedar Falls, Iowa (2024)

A 1 Lot. Tar 116 23679 10 117 118 7 9 10 127 1284589 .128 129 182 133 do 073910 135 134 do 136 30 131 138 do do do 141 du 144 do do 143 do do 18 1440 089 148 147 15 03 148 149 do do do 150 do do 151 du do do 132 do 133 do de 8 7 134 do 1 60 10 02 Ju 150 16 0 1 50 137 20 'do 20 14389 158 02 I 00 1 do Gril do do do do do 105 de 106 du 205878910 167 15 do 1 168 20 169 170 an do do 171 do do 172 do do do 174 tia do do 178 175 110 do do do 177 do do 178 do 179 do do do 3 150 do do do do 181 do 152 do do 154 do 185 do 185 do 157 do do 168 do do 189 do do do do 191 do do 192 410 198 Jo da 193 do do 197 du 198 do 199 do 402 do 203 do do 204 do du do 9 10 206 18 do 1 3 4 8 207 do do 209 da 210 do do 211 do do 212 do do 213 do 214 do do 313 do de EAGLE TOWNSHIP. Town 87 -Range 1:, Name owner of Parts Section of 2F Burns ehf aw 3 14 Brownlee He 66 Bronson Adm se Hw NW SW Bell Jno 19 19 2 Caley Stead's plat chi lot 13 15 02 Doxes ne Edwards 2 whi' aw ebfar 66 1 45 Flinkinger SW 19 32 ae 12 77 chr 66 5 80 Gutch Close Means' plat lot 17 and 06 High ne 2:728 72 Re DC Huger 6W 90 91 3 1 14 Leavitt no 30 04 Leach Meir we Learitt Luich chaw Logia Joo WAT AN 21 Head Close it Meade plat und bel: I 13 02 lots 2 2 4 5 1 lot w'he lot 15 lot 16 45 04 24 25 26 47 45 34 and 40 Myers Miller I 94: 19 3 Moore I. aw 95 ntsw 11 85 Poe bt me A 65 Smith WE hf de 20 1 Unknown Cicee Mend'a plat ebr lt 18 hE tor 14 at lot 21 13 ur lot 18 15 02 LINCOLN TOWNSHIP. Town 87-Range 14.

Ackley WiT NC nY 13 16 Barnard SE nW Babbage Li nw Cramer W200 nw 107 aw Cole Tho Ta of g'de in 48 Cole Clark Field Foote Eastman Compaton A I I Aw bf hr OCR chise ave ne g' de in 5 19 93 Gunniman J. He Gilbert hi se 16 Hapgood L. bf no Hunter OW Johnson hf ne 20. OT Kinney Leavitt A Juo A hi se 13 HI He 46 Ledbetter Jus DW 30 84 McDowell 54 I n'w 09 Nurich nw 1 50 2 81 HR OR 3 aw 116 AW SW HE 13 15 Northway C. Af se Noll aw hf de 2 56 Parrish 3-4 st 4 Russell aIr aW Rugg SW.

He Rogers ent ne Riley Spencer Wm nw brae 3 bf nw Smith J.fr hfnu Simons A hE aw 19 49 I 15 42 Ware hf ac hi nw NC M. except eta 04 1 08 SW 34 exCept 4P104 6 40 98 Unknow'u ne nc 1A nw no 1 09 ne 9 25 1 30 50 no: 19 9 25 1 sp fur Taxes prior to 1869, and not previously advertised. Lenter Townnhip, Name awner of Section Y-ar delin Rice, river in hr On 90 1f TE Smith. 3 El mold I-3 LIe 35 Ni do (inion Township. Unknown 05W881.W DW 9 90 N4 IA SI Ent Waterloo.

Cobb. 1. A 11-558 0 4TA lot I 4 13 009 2 I 30 Gonell, Joe (ent) Da Finten. ride de nP 90 99 18 IS 1: 6 87 Jae 55 4 or; Ravenecroft, A 3-8 13 H9 13 an A.K, Poyner Township. Rawarde.J 8 lot 40 88 De 1703 15 I Orange Township.

Chapin, ne rw 20 96 13 1968 3 00 V7 Ent Waterlon. Burden, ilk. add of 2 03 I 89 80 3400 of river Weaver, son. nw between 4th and 6th ate E- Waterloo 19 16 Ad LI 37 Wien me AW 7,10 Te 89 6 E. Waterloo 4 TART 3 33 do se 400 DIE 60 ft 7,10 E.

Waterino Cooley, Thor Cooley' add 5 ar 1888 80 do AGENTS- Weich free, given gratiA to every live MAR who act our Basinene light and HE per day. PL. Address R. do do HE A. Y.

AN MACHINE a Main 3 3 Corner VMOI On which Second 'STIVA Co. 5 a elsewhere. CEDAR STAND, 7 kinds 4 OLD Groceries, before BLOCK. Wilson WILSON'S MILLER MAMMOTH ODS, Carpet Ingrain with favor line, 5 THO On Streets; LV MOT 7 spool Are on Shoes, 7 4004 Boots, Cups, make 8 PARD A 3 T. A NI PROVISIONS, SHOES, 3 Prices.

Living REMEMBER THE PLACE, STIVA IOWA. Lowest I DEALER 8 BOOTS, the CALL. at ZACK CROCKERY, ME INMAN HOUSE, OPPOSITE Manhood: How Lost, How Restored. Dr. Jant poblished.

A new edition nf Celebrate on the radical cura (withont medicine) of Seminal Weaknese, Mental Involuntary Seminal Loesce, Impotency, and Incapacity, Impediments and to marriage, indnced airo, Concumption, Epilopay, Pita, by or Fexual extravagauce. Price, celebrated in sacaled envelane. this culy 6 cents. anther, In enLy, carls demonirates from a thirty Fears' aaccen fal practice. that the sluraing of self abure may be rabically cured withont the cation dangerone of the ted of internal incdicine or the pointing out a mode of care at once simple.

certaln, and effectual. by of: which every no matter what bis condician mAy be. may care cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture Te In the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Seat.

under seal, In a plain envelope. to ADS address, pontpaid on receipt of cents, or tun postage Also, stampe. Dr. Marriage price 95 centa. Addrese the Pabllehere, 10m: CHIAS.

J. C. KLINE 127 Bowery. New York, Pyt-Omro Box Marriage Cuide. or a private permas about lastractor to be for married, married both male and female, to.

everything concerning the ps and relationi of our sexual And the production and prevention of of prior. including the new diacovarien never M. given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, D. Thia really valoahle and work.

It 1A written in plaid language for the general render, and is lilantrated with engravings. All young married people, or those contampialing marriage, and having the 1m- pediment to married should read this book. diacloses socreta that every ohe aboald be acquainted with FL Look that locked up and sot lie about the bouce. It will seat to any address on receipt of 50 centa, dress Dr. YOUNG.

No. 416 Spruce above Fourth, Paladelphia, AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE No place matter in what this may under be the jour care and of discare, before of Young's or Book any and other read it pAper, carerally. COPY wIN of caring you many a dollar, your and potibly your life. Dr. consulted on 116 street, above Fourth, 1 Big Creek -1p.

87, Range 11 and 12 Name of lection of Tot. Talc a IL 6 to Cat, hr de ne lot de I Of 0 00 OT Nanas or To addition lik 7 Book La Porte Nunman City 288 35 40 Banger lags Porte City eh 70 Baker SC La Porte City do Cotton Crawford I. nw 69 it I do a add La Pit C' 9 19 3 Dow 0 04 Fox add La Porte City 277 41 Elwell a Rabco*ck Fliell', Elwell' adit La add Porto City 5 2 i2 98 Ella Mars. A. Waason' La 20 6 Pox La ne 2-3 1 at 10 2 13 Nosford A Ottowa 2 17 08 do Harlacher Joe Mitchell' A add La P't add 9 016 90 Mitebell'3 LA Porte Knowles City Ew 1 Ut ro Kennedy' add La P' C's hr 2 84 Miller Uno 8 1G do Miler Wasson'sadd La Porte City 7 46 10 dol Pierce La Porte City 56 Peters Geo mid 1-3 Pierce Pierce's Geo add La La Pt Cs Cv 2 1888 Palm A Fox Forsyth'a add Porte City de 10 Riskemire A Fox Forayth'a add Ta It Cy 3 4 3 4 30 WHESCA Pierce's auld Porte City 4 1 84 31 do La Woodler JA Fox E'th's add La Pt Cy note 2 IN Gl do TR Suitchell'a add Las Porte City 1 46 de l'aknowu artd L.a Pt Cy FOX addl Washington Tornahip.

in 49 Bibby Robt Janesville 1 50 Cameron St AT 8 Me Swank 3 4 5 6 334 Unknown Junk vile Cedar Township. Edgington HR Coder addCFalls 2 8 18 30 City 15 do do do do do do da do de du do do Fowler El da Hoot Jos do 4 do Lawrence Dele VANS 1 40 ion Gin- OFalle RR Dean's addoCily 12 8 do add do do do do do Cedar Chy do 18 Dean's add City do do 15 4 40 Poyner. Bladort Jno Gilbertville nht 7 Bowers A do Breban do 8 9 Culver do 23 6 7 Engle Felton John GilbertYille Raymond 1 2 5 Mary do do do Laguam Raymond 34 Joline 1 Laubly JDo Gilbertille 1 4 5 8 9 15 Laymand do 8 3 except 10 by'30 de cor 9 to 39 do except 1 do do McCane Glibortrille HeDonald do do Hay du Mack A 5 Sign Smith Benedict 2 3 6 7 10 Thalen do 100 Wm $89 Welter do 1934567 128 do do do 160 do do 845 do 3 Unknown. 12845 02 1 00 14589 do do do 1468910 6 14 do 120 1236 8 09 01 78 9 10 do do do 78 9 10 do do 23 03 11 do 2346 11 12345 13 do 14589 14 do do 1589 15 do do 236710 16. 236710 17 Jo 02 5 1 TO 1 5 7 10 125 1234 13 5689 13 14589 710 236 26 128466 12345 06.

01 128456 15 1234 13 02 3678 do 1356 42 78910 do 10 89 44 34567810 45 05 01 1256 52 12 02 78910 do 12345 58 do do 0 12845 238710 do do do do do do do do do 12345 78 11 02 1234 30 12 5678 10 do do do 1234 81 10 56 7 8 10 do do do Cedar. Bornham BF Gilbertrills 23 CoRn A do und bY 7 10 146 Hogue A 146 do 9 156 23 Law 10 I aubly Jau do 2367 Schear do du Scuplan du 9 10t 07 10 102 1458 117 Sent. .1 10 109 10 2A8 10 7 10 207 62 Unknown. 82 20 03 83 do do do do da do de do do 98 do do 89 do 90 do do do do do do do do do do 100 do 7 10 101 1234589 1234589 102 108 do 78 103 1 26 7 8 9 10 104 105 108 do 2 2 4 5 0 8 990 107 18 109 109 110 20 do 111 do 112 do 113 114 do 115 do do 8 eras. MONEY LOANED BROTHERS, Notes Discounted, Gevernment Bonds, Gate, Silver do and Drafts 20 On All the Principal Cities ot The Caited Stales and Eumpr, Bought and Sold.

Al-0, do' Passage Tickets de! Th and front all the pelncipal allowed cities in Rampe, de TIME DEPOSITS, dol Parkersburg, Iowa. du. C. C. KNAPP, GENERAl.

Insurance Agent, AND PALLS, Cum panies PERCENIX. of Hartford. Comm. do LORILLARD. of Now York.

REPO HIJC, or Chiergo, It. do! HOME. or New York. do: NORTH AMERICAN. or Phibdriphin.

do PHENIX. of ALBANY cl*t. or Albany. N. Y.

MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE of Newark. N. V1InT do! LAMAR do Insurance Company. do Central Office, Chicago. do do Capital, $1,000,000.

do do Ocquuizod Branch on the entobliched Co-operative Pion Ofiore in rall In: the principal Cities and J. A. BOWMAN. Agent. do Cedar Full, InWR LIVERY STABLE do 60 AT do do do! FRANK SHAFFER Number Out Teams 20 do do Ready on Short Notioe.

do do OFFICE AT THE WILLIANS HOUSE, do do do v11190 Parkersburs, Iowa, de do LIME! do do do NEW LIME KILN do 3 Out Miarted to CEDAL TALLS, do do os do do da Dry Run, Waterioo Road, do do do CLOSSON CUYER. do Our Hock are Quarried on the Growed do our Klin le, and we shall fornial ably No. 1 Lime. da GIVE 78 A CALL. do do 26 8 LASSON do do FOR SALE.

do Eighty Acres do Belonging to my old South of Town, do and do 19 HALF ACRE LOTS Pacide Addition to the Cedar Palla, do do do For Sale. do do Also, A Large Assortment of do do Farming Impliments, Stock do and Household Coods. do do Call at Once and Secure Good Bargains. 19 K. D.

ADAMS. do do W. J. McNALLY, do Dealer In do do do do GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, do Flour and Feed, Creen and Dried Fruits, 34 Crockery and Glass Ware, Boots shoes, Which I will Sell st the LOWEST CASH PRICE at the p*rnos of Third and Malo opPorite the Port Omer. Cedar Falls, Iowa.

All Goode Warranted resort ted. Yes! It is True! Mat That the Bart 1 Bart Rakers to be found in the Double- Motion by the ETNA PORING OF Oblo, Send for Pa contain tag lars. V. DRUGS BOOKS! New Firm at the Old Stand. Crosby Gregg Would call attention tu the fact that they hare perchased selectiona from the stock of Drugs, Booke, formerly kept by Meren.

Cole plete Taft, A 10 which they daring added a new and compropose continuing the bunSnese at the ANd Stand. the 1 Office, CEDAR FALLS, IOWA Where way at all times be loand on sale For b. at kinds of Oil, Pruga, Paints, Merlieinen, Stationery, Wall Payer, Fancy Goode, Window Glean, Blank Rooks, School Sintea, Memorandums, Patent Medicines, Plaster Paris, Extracts, Perjumery, Window Shades, Music Books, Childreas' Toy Books, Together with all other articles maHally fonad in rble line of business. PHYSICIANS' PRESORIPTIONS Will receive particalar attention. Mr.

wha baa been connected with this store for the past seven years, wilt personally superintend this Department, Give A Call before waking your purchaser. CROSBY GREGO. F. A. HOTCHKISS, AGENT, Whalesale Retail Dealer 10 PROVISIONS WOODEN WILLOW WARE, CROCKERY, Glass Stone Ware.

A fall stock of the above naraed gaude. Constantly on Hand, Which be oders at prices shat cannot be brat: FOR CARH ONLY! Highest Market Price paid for Butter, Lard, Hams, Potatoes, Main agrees, Wert Arde. Between Third, CEDAR FALLS, IOWA. HARDWARE W. PIERCE At Home at the Old Stand Permerly occupled by' PREACE 3 MAWTAR, MAIN STREET, TWO DOORS SOUTH OF CORNER OP FIRST STREET.

Warre mar be A conspiele A MArtinentat General Hardware, STOVES, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARPENTERS' JOINERS' TODIE, HOUSE TRIKKINGS TABLE POCKET CUTLERY, And 1001 other and cocerary artle.es in his lime of trade. Also, all Job Work la Copper. Tin and Sheet Iron, done with and thanks for tad arpect to I more. Please call and trade. for 16 W.

MERCE. Cedar Fatto, May 1, AND Low Prices WILSON BROTHERS, CORNER OF MAIN AND SECOND CEDAR FALLS. IOWA, Would announce to the Citizena of CEDAR FALLS, BLACK HAWK, And Adjoining Coasties Genecally. That they have Just received DIRECT from the EASTERN MARKETS, A Ill and complete assortment of Staple And Fancy Dry Goods, BOOTS SHOES, NOTIONS, HATS CAPS, STAPLE GROCERIES, Allot which hare been Selected with Great Care, aDd Are Selling at Prices that Cannot Fall to Give Perfect Salietaction to Purchaser. Town We respoctfully Invite the Attention of all, from and Connury.

to An Examination of OD? Stock hefore loelug money by purchasing cleewhere. Don't fall to CALL AND SEE US, and satiety and yourselven bare made that we our Are not Talking warrant but mean Dis, prices to it. 3 ORGANIZED. OCTOBER 1. 1858.

CABINET MAKERS' UNION, TO N. WHITE Manufacturers and Dealoza 10 all kinds of Connietingol a complete Resortment of BUREAUS. TABLES, CHAIRS. TETES, DESKS, ROOK DESKS, Secretaries, Office Tables, XUSIC STANDA, PIANO STOOLS. EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGES, SPRING BEDS, Sponge, Finat and Fir, PICTURE FRAMES, Curtains and Fixtures, CORD, TASSELS, da.

We have one of the FINEST BEST FELEOTED STOOKS Went of Dohaque and our home mantlecture CANNOT RI. EXCELLED! By any workman la the country. The Public may Rely on a Better Artiole for the same Amount of Money Than at anyother Ertablishment of the Kind in the Cedar Valley We keep on hand a constant supply of READY MADE COPPINS Terma Cash, or Produce Taken in Prehange for Furniture. GEO. L.

STEARNS, Agent, DRUGS. DALE KELLOGG, Main Cedar Falls, lows, Have Just recelred a largo lot of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Welch Save beer. Selected with Great Care and bought for and will ba sold cheap for any carb. other We bouse shall will keep sell the same quality of goods times, and aim to keep the best articles to our stock complete all In the market. A fall stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, DYE-STUFFS.

Brushes of all kinds, Window Class, Any Size From 7x9 to 28x98. Patent Medicines We are prepared. to tell the foflowing kinda aL Manufacturer' Wholesale Prices: JAYNE'S, AYER'S, GRAPFENBURG'E, F. SCOVIL'8, D. RANSOM J.

H. HARRIS Brown's Troches and Worm Comfits, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, (Poland's White Pine Compound and Humor Doctor, Barretts Hair Restorative, Ring's Ambrosia, Sloan's and Equine Condition Powders. TOILET ARTICLES. Wo bare a Large stock of Perfumery, Soaps, Fair Offs, Brubes, Combe, Physician's Prescriptions Componnded with care and dispatch. Full Stock of Wines and Liquors, for Medicinal Purposes dire de a call before baying.

DALE de KELLOGG. New Furniture Store! ORCUTT HALL, and honorable dealing, to receive a liberal ebare of pablic Patronage. ORCHIT HALL. Cedar Falls. Towa.

Tuly 31, CEDAR FALLS BAKERY, AND GROCERY STORE FIRST DOUR SOUTH ON F. Where you will And a large of (Bread, Pies, Cakes Crackers At Wholesale and Retali. FAMILY GROCERIES OF ALT. KINDA. Creen Dried Fruits, CONFECTIONERIES, Of the Best Qualition, at Reasonable Rates Would respectfotly inform the citizens of thin city and vicinity that they have opened up an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Two Doors South of Port-Office, And are prepared at all times to Manufacture to Order Everything In the Fumiture Line.

OF FIN Ready made, always on handl, or made to order on the shortest notice. Picture Frames, or every description, constantly on hand, We hope by atrict attention to businear and fair A THANKFUL or the of the hope by close attention to dealing, to merit a contianance of the same. C. STONE. THOMPSON DEALERS IN Hardware, Tinware Stoves, Farming Tools, IRON, NAILS, OPPOSITE THE CARTER HOUSE CEDAR FALLS, tOW.

Would respectfully aak of the purchasing pablic an examination of their GOODS AND PRICES. WELL ASSORTED Hardware Iron Stock. TAGONTIMBERA WAGON MATERIAL OF ALL. KINDA. Leather Rubber Betting, AND HEMP PACKING.

The Peerless COOKING STOVE, Which for Durability, Economy and. Capachave no entiala, In connection with the Attire 1- a TIN SHOP! Repairing done neatly and with dimpatca. AGENTS FOR TODD DEMENT'S PATENT STEEL "PLOW. THEIR 9TOCE NY FARMING TOOLS! Is odorcally large anal Mil. and they especially site the attentinn of be Arming loi this hranch of thete tende.

A. G. THOMPSON, JOSTAR THOMPSON. Cedar Palla, Iowa, April 4, 1667. IVOO 2 lows.

Cedar HAND. DEALERS Shingles ON 8 SAVATI ING Grouuds. Lumber, 6 Depot Yard AN INVITATION J. B. COHN, Noveria' Building, Next to Wire Bryant CEDAR FALLS, Har a Large Stack of Custom-Made For the Spring And Satomer trade.

The Intent Stylon of Hats Caps A Fut A of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boys' Clothing, All of which be offere at Cheaper than ibe Cheapest All are invited to call and examine the stock and convince themselves of the TRUTH of the abate. No Tronble to Show Goods! J. B. CONN, G. L.


CHASE'S CANVNO NUTS CIGARS, do 20 do 1 do do 80 20 80 do do do 20 1 40 80 do 1 00 20 1 00 do 20 do do do do 1 00 20 1 00 1.00 00 20: do do do do do do do do do do do 20 do put CYSTERS FANCY TOBACCO, GREEN, FRUITS IC HES OYSTERS, FRUIT BAZAAR CEDAR FALLS, Ayer's For' 'alt Madiaine. Ayer Oathartic Pills, tried it, know know it that it cured them; not, that cares their neigh bora and and alE know that what it does once it does al its -that it never fails through have any fault or noglactof composition. We upon thotsands of certificates of their remarkable following complaints, bat such cares every neighborhood, and we need not publish Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates: neither calomel or they may be taken with them coating preserves them DO barm can arise from They operate by their power internal viscera to parity blood and stimniate: into healthy action -remove the of stomach, bowels, liver, and otber at body, their irregular action to by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange monta the origin of Minate are in the box, for the following rapidly For of shonid be taken and moderately to stimarita the they ach and restore its bealthy tona and action. For Liver and or Calle and be diciously taken for to action or remove the obstructions which it. For or bur one mild dose Yor Pack and be taken, as required, to change the discased setion the system.

With such chance those complaints Por duce the be affect of in a purge. doves to for the abould be taba a9 Aa it produces desired one or by digestion and relieve the stomach. protwo moto An occasional dose stimolates the and bowels into invigorates healthy the action, system, restores of the Pile makos him feel One who fools tolerably wall, serious their and renovating tire 1 apparams. DA, J. C.

ATEX 00., V. S. Sold by Dale Kellogg. AND ALL. DRUGGISTS the parposes of 4.

Perhaps cloe universal quired by any so ly adopted into in than but purgative PIu. obvioas la, that it sea more reLiable and far remedy than other. Those who Cornell College. ABLE Professors and Scientide For the President, REV. WY.

F. KING, A. 1, Ms. Veraca, Tows,.

Cedar Falls Gazette from Cedar Falls, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.