Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

T- 42Boatt, Motora, Equip. 4l-Turwfturt 3 Artlclfi for Salt Artlcltl far Salt) JO CoH, Birds, PeM 39 Thursday, Sept. 12, 195730 B'i" 0-- Ilinnua; Brtiigtrainri, 10-C Sr. Pcfcrsburtj Timet DIAL 5-1131 Plrxil PlaMlt fr nt ALK ,.0 ITui iuMra, air. HrluOla urm- Qt AI.ITY broadllH'm Inplt tnt wool Rrrnnilinni'il I lnmmlri GOING AWAY" HOARD YOUR PI TS RESTAURANT 4 w- 51.

South. 20 Butinesi Oppi. 15 Werlc Wonted Femotg ItWTH IS, SUNSHINE J'FT MI'iP. St. So Ph.

5 I 13Salcimcn Saletwemen tirrlllri for ha price. Good f- Ura eien r.i 111 I t'2i. up. rox omi sriAuf. jiui mal d.nmf tahlr.

4 rhaiia.l J'h St. No. JPh Hi inin tiilirr articln. phiina jf.A Vl NO hd tin, Mapta" miiunmHn 1 1 a-rn SI HKB aft $15. Oil bralw i Fma almf, I I Nltl llkT-MMI PI FIK.F Bvt- 3' Autiimanc hpr EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS rv MY OWN POME.

2S prl' rnndilion. 7IUVi.li J'inflla I'ark all da Win or alter p.m. davt. Ph. S-5705.

1' Fllr- AHINA (or talc wild leading boat unbaned downtown year 'round bJi-and nmuir franchises, I-fjn n-prt nil F. K. Rillmeaiy new and tied heala. MoLTI rtflWI INfi RFALTY CD and boat repair. Viet ami dry JUliLIPlvl KtMLI age.

Has hoist and dock facilities. I71 r-nrl Ave Phone 7-7177 I A Kittens. Blue, Seal, bocolal and Luol'oiiit. St ml Service, IH ftlll-111! THAIMNf! 179 Mallrn-ff. brand P'w, alilil Iv damiiili'd, I.I4.M i.u SO nmU mattrraar 'i $14 U5 Mailrrswi S19.mii "hran-U $11.50.

J. Wien. HI Nnrlii tiri-rnn. 'Inun. Hiiiiiu-r Sola Suiln, P4HT lime ft lull nm.

As (wnx'f. A riatutal lor sale-men oil-lug hnnii-n, also lor reined -men limited income isl firrunlv. tic Call -n person or sin" nur rations, to Mr. Hrncy at 3.0- SIMPSON LOAN Tenlral jim sfk- f.pino K.H ONE ri ICON, RFKFRI NCI S. TIMES F37 In- ass crtR-r kn h6 1 St.

fiai bnel. l-lu wino-nirin. ui.m-. Good display arcs, and many oilier, WANTED, partner with, ce.ti (n tii-nrm. tL- u.nfri.i.

1 kn nirttnf. nuitininl ri- iraiurfs. tan iur-nara J.i"i.4-h irailrr Mik, or UI aiiL lunca ill4 n. ivaro.N WIIKLL KK.V IAIiiM wnii ill l'l''f to Iwlhuildiiut. and rqiiirmrnl, or 1: 1 Narrt'na Lialmalwn pump irnn.

mita mnarr. rr muiiirra, i hhopmaaliT tat)l aw jm i Kniiri. Limp (or body trealmenta, 4 burner Immori ied furniture. lJU in nuk-us and dt-liier. I.

-ii-am agrri-mrni i KM Jim-; Mm. oava bit rrtuina; i-t Hp 3 piere 1 a. n. fttialtmr HI id a. inn.

All rtpiit-a coniiueuuai. in thu buini bow I oHnrr fomti hfiinuire sua apt. ainve, a niueit st. 57.11, Not ik wr- s.otea P. J.

nteti, li I I bark Not tit. Wnta Timra Jii-x F-j. ma-, power dine rotary mner, 71 in( iMisTFRBuiTwTHrilS lull PRACTICAL nuiw, hi'iil exveu rma. arnilp or phvcIimIiIt nura- w.frn...a I'll -t uiiinia IH" hafru a lehnk 30" barrel. See at 4111 4i article at 4N7 Ave.

Nn. LUNCHEONETTE NO MORE TICKS iut mle Tie Fid In rtn' food No pi bulher. Trot.1. Lust (or Ural. 'Ironical J'e! bftup, Ave Ave.

Nn. nr call lie 21 Buiinen Oppi. Wonted nri.WIII. RFTI RN VOFR t'F-T S.OiiO atreet pam bin k. It 00 per i i.

i Iu VFAft 14'' 'ilo'n OMulihlS', Class bot'iom dreeon, amoa. and all controls, anchor, eu.hiod and Foam llubtwr MHre.e "ompaU Ph. He l'-mi. Brand new. slightly damaged, 4., LIKE New.

full, equipped. ln nnr-AM. HHiFRri, 5th St Bef Aire Reach Ph ei-'ti. Rl-Xl IN1.NG CHAIR. 5.

fi.r m' NO. purrhaw milium prurd hundred. Simplex ume elm and card rracnnable, lni Central Ave. mr. ama part tim aa hoirll tiNK OF 1 HF.

IN CMJ AI'OPIlwN: Hmnrlral lla ii 7 or rampamoa P-him Kri-prr, innv a monry m. ldn. C. A. it Ave N.

tipeo tTTOH HLNT OR SALE i fiUiiT tlTol ft WANtFliTATir.r. in Uk-'ava. S.m Itjim? drriy idiairlv, 3-yrsr lrs on atorci OH PARTLY COMl'LL I LO. td- KITTENS available Tti roinn fiirnifthrd Apt half charier- or commetj-ial lhjnj 3 "ROOM 'GROUP, $239 VATK PARTY. PH.



EMPIRE BLPG. TH. or a vi vv I I "oTa 11 11 AVE. irf d. Prid .1 only l.So.l; IIA.S WI.I.U.

(ll i. al nnr- In naocl tn ni-tlVFRS WESTINGHOUSE roaster $10 roo-i'ltihSL N. Ph. PI 1-7114 10 CU. FT.

FrVeer "coldipot 2 veara old used only mon.ha. In per. feet cnndition Als 2 wheel trailer mnS7th Ave. Nn. WAItriKtiRI-f lica.

Di.lica Rlankela Oullta llouaehnld Article) Portlera I men). X'b Ird AveSo. ABI white t.ak. naiuiarwiix in-ish. 34x41" with chroma leg) 4 chair), aa euatiim built Cuina, U.S.

rnmmemorated half dollar, un eircula'ed, eomnlete aet at eataloaua price. Stamp), Fii ft Pay covers, rom- fnild hllSiOeX 23 Money to Lencf Wheel haira H'ntuial Betlg Walker t'rutcheg ANPFRSON SLRGICAL SI PPLY CO StSi, Phone motor chair, comfoitable and dependable transportation lor a paraplegic, oporatee on 2 13 volt hattenej, I ted very liltle. $3M). 231 Hlt Ave No.jfter 10 m. rf.S'ETri"el.

"bah'y'a items, pillmva. Top alinw tloclt. beatillful perian. 'naich we're pedtrterd. ilia.

Clar- AKCiASSElTWUlDS male and female, 2 J'earg nld. Also have puppiea. lol 3th Ave N.E. Mortimore Realty Ph. 21-6441 eril n.iir ntvyf Tritrt IliiFSFKI FIT.fi.

SWlT)-tT 47, H)H I I DhHI.Y GIVII I MAN. Pll. JnYf FjJOIINMIN fl.LING do "Motel. Hotel, or "aPt. mid PhlllW 7fi Ifill.

Craft. Speed boat with Mark S3 Mercury motor, all electric, l-or Information cull He NKW 10 P. SCtMT -ATW ATI R. NFVFR I SFD. RFASONARLY PRK F.n.

Miol ST. N(L STOP ROAT LFAKS WORM PAMAGh IN PACKAGE STORE-" Ph. 71 a. Z'l. wr.Ln anlltMtf lu Tf LOAN ON All.

TYPF? OF fir V.anta dav nr pari I txrrnrni mny ninu-1 rciular. JWubl. 1'h. and Vpxt Iron, card tablea, chair), child dck. BOARDIVO SMALL IMlCS etc.

Ave, Nn. IIVKI Imludea Hw It. 01 expensive mints ar prmivrii i plete aet Ln.ted Nation) it all Vl.S t. i-i L-int. Kill AS I M.malnt-a Pon.lla Stud Ki rvice frontage and gimnrt pew.A.-vLt ftin rrv typewriter Royal Standard Good STANDARD FURNITURE CO.

12411 CENTRAL AVF. XpcTRATTAN SECT. $139.50 FOAM RL'BRER, ZIPPER CUSniOM 2 weeks del. 47 1 SJnit. AV P.NLfc.

s()l it $175Hcdro(im Gump, several l.vle$ and finishes, brand aew. ighily damaged $IN (ah. Sliif. $1M) Croup V.x 4 Piece Crnun S49 50 3 Piece Group 'i -b0. V.

J. Wren. 11" North Oregon. '1mP" "TtToBLE "lit 'Ll 0 'V'li COMF1 PTE WITH MITAL RAMB I HEPHO-MlD. To L- mil 111 like ne.v a lor past to eara at original coat of fiilf.Rir) GIRL FFSIIUS si A II niaim.e niintvinnii ivri wtMtr Mnvt POTTYRSKLF, WE INVrnt'CTW BOATS.

MOTORS, AC( I sst.R IES condition. Perfect type end aiiin-iatmp. Ph. 2.1 7 1 1 Ave. N.


Pn. SJ-3642. IbaBY rarrlaee' anattreaa GtTF Alt I Nr. -''(-'; legal Se-retry ANT I'llOPtHTY LOANS. FH is" Ph.

CLOSLi) Tltst'VS 3-1117 PI ryitJ I SKI) 1 time, eler.lawa mower rubber laced boota, aire $4, RFAL rSTATK (Vt LVh Ovvn Home Mature nill H-ttnr. si. aLRVIt NO APPRAISAL lib. FtPFPtFNTFn 14114'tth St. so.

t-n. in Cniiser 1 "niwer Plfici rah.net $:5. C. He 4i.fr.si Ai'Y nut in si. reieraours, m-mr v.

OWNER MUST LEAVE REX COLE, REALTOR in. l- IV nl-'Vtl tuirr 1 mwa F-l 1ft. 1 fOMPAftfMrtS'T Restaurant )inf. with dralnboaid. 4 burner table top '57 22' Owens 00 p.

utin Hi KALI S. 17004 St. So. 1 I. mill o.

I vil (-iJ i VON, 5 VP 1st St. N. hLLroizFR7innrvvit-h riloNF LARGO PL" '1. Bull. SV-fi Central Ave.

Th. 7-47B0; 7 4710 I cm mil Vr w' poors FROM ART tune "work rleaired. fluff HOl'sn Bt PFPOT. Al by jiiur.f woman evpet irnied in at once, Ave. No.

Small, clean rest. Sandwirhea. r.m- electric range, own Tangerine Goffport. .1 WK BUY Pl.PI'IFS ido7er. recond Mejeig MllKTGAGK LOANS LRI.F PARK NO IT OSF HV.

I'l 1 1 ping, aenrtat oiti rii.a. tiDaccoa. truiia. mnstnea buy aell 1st Ir 2nd Mortgage) Hoairet or oureorea. email oieena.

RullUurer. 1 recond TV OF HtlK IN 1'R'iSPHT Good buMtie uiuoii.c ll v- (t.is i a in i n. 'if SFAREE 12 11 P. MOTOR. 6315 34 I bT.

NO. PHJJE 5 12 HP SKA" RLE I MONTHS OLD. CHI' AP. 1ST AVE. Ml NEWMAN PUMPS IRI'SII squarea rugs, vatious s.es.

AT-mnst your price. Call alter 12 7 (577 1 901 3 St. No. Beat corner wet-kly. See owner now, Una, son Time) Rlrtg Ph.

VMI.L do iri'ing in my hutnr. rry At. Ph. '611RP ST.SO. PJ! (-it lor (oupir CACHSIH NP MALE A liC RKGIST'FRKD 327(4 4'ilh Ave.

No. Ph. He box spring and mattresg. 7g.72t or at Mateo Way, Snrll Pie. TT, Al.niool) CONDITION new 1 Mahogany 50" but et, $2a.

1 al- 1st 2nd MTG. LOANS 0 In AI M. KoaUioe movie cameia GROCERY, EEER 4 JUICE BAR uit.WKLHi, Lit I.NSLI) I'll ACT HAL I 1 ton eo nnO I ID Trt 1 0 nnn Pi iiF.h,ed huif CiK-keri. AKC.IWeaton exposure meter. Crai apll- 16' LAJHNATEI) plwoi) day veara exoer.ente.

aiioiiMlun lit. ui i Handsome male, euie Srer, Albert Hoval tripod. 4 M. ecren, llvinii i Handsome male. Trade for anvUting that doo eat.

OtitlHiaid motors ART'S SWAP SHOP Ave. Tampa, Fla. 1 sf.p miint ai'TVC consolk SKYWAY RADIO TV INC. bram, IS" transom, num. heavy duty tip trailer.

'5 p. er park it motel ntwnet. Nice MORTCiAC.KS BOt'GHT A- SOLP aiMinet )a! Hh "il.S elrc- Hilt nu.iei. a. 175.

1 Simmon) tudio bed, M-21141 'weeks old: Pa. rlntv Ph. SI 7i.f (iilT.illHI (iVi TrvFAltS quarurs. 4)ver Uvt JOHN Vv AtlNLR. PIL 9-7W1 5n55 i FliR'SALEompleiiTiuTpmrnt trio ttartinf Johnson, wiin i I maoosiiii' e.

Chairs and draperies. Ph. 7 o.ii'3 p.orm HUH, SNIl a.a-,1, C.rt and hal in Oar 5th Ave. No. J-5W I rice n.S(it,..(L-n t.

t.R tn $ti Duo. on lat elaMiP(Ki)LKS ARC, COOP PISPOSI- for gmalt post ollice. A. M. Cutll- For Sale Store vvith living )irir) Pk or VIC ttuukjuoN, CHAMPION BLOOD UN La trie.

C.irtei. Horlda. auto art-vice luncheonette. i Salnley RroHenck, Broker. Ph.

SARASOTA. KI "si overhead aarage duora. STTPll) cuuib. P-'lk green i grey F. SFMI Al'TOMATIC wa.hmg'ma ixrmii Nt wisiifs work IN VII 7" i4 -it To Giiu.s'w nt pnr 11MK OR PAY WORK.

I'll. Vh.l'et. lock), trailer bitch. Make offer. 1 n.

PI 2 7S81 al'er 6 oo m. chine, excellent condition; gaivanned houses rented. Best iwaiion in 5 -M pk pjnellaa aell.nl Both US. I'ohnlaterer'a cleaning ma- ty. wardrobe.

Fh. liF: 5-W-I4 BENPIX washing machine, aeml au at bUitl S-illi Avenue ULll. BARBER SHCP Uimatic excellent condition, Peep Lit I NM I) Pract.ial Nu.ae ase fl.j'Jl A-l Reierence), sa it It car available nn. B. case) companion, child! 4't.

to frii 1XIA.NS on improved prop-nut. Puppies and grown dn. Betty's chine, coat alM, aell (nr lno. axil erty, up to 20 yra. In pav.

Also prl-l Kennels, atith St. la mi. o. Inter- Wiltoa rug New (1x12 W.ltnn $7S. vate funds.

3 to yra. No appraisal ton Road. U.I throw rug), ail auca. 4130 37th lee. Quick aenv ice.

si AMI-sF, KI li FNS STths 1st. No. Wvman WillinCham CO. ANYO.nk CAN BE PHOLDOF. TYPICWniTFri S.ile.

tnderwood. KIIIIOII ll.l.l.lfc.iuni m. nv P.l 11. S.lfitT C.Ik. (It Ul kehll.lt well water pump, complete, $40.

Sew USED BOATS ing machine, console, lectric lawn mower $20. Ph. Pi S-1828 alter chair. Plastic upnoisici eu. ouin Ph Open at(rk bednv.m groups, brand new, slightly damaged! Double Dressers I i'i 50 rash, Single Dresser) f.i.50 Choice of Beds thesis 7 bO Prlfl) Double Piesser and $.12 V).

Oi'd Beds $9.50 Odd tnest $10 50. l). J. Wren, 119 North Oregnn, 1 ampa. hetore buir.g tKhZi l.PHoLSIEKINO.

Belief reconditioned furniture. 224i 4H iv- So PH- or 70 aid i. Kn fhone 7.S.A44L" ZiA 5 ro, or all day Saturday or butt dav. I guaranteed term). Rental credit rn "itOY-CLIF BOARDING Rl N.NELS Well located shop for sale due to Uiness.

Good leaie. Ai-t O'ni-k! J. P. i.liml ROGH1S Real Fatal Ina'tranca 32 Cent nil niiichasei 51S Tangerine. Ph.

iui pin inaws hLPFH PPT MOll-I SLrrtt -r I fvmiri. engine $25i boat seat 1 1 ViViWro FFMALF. BKDLINGION TFRRIFR KELVIN AT OR Flc( trie stove, good 770o.1Bth Ave. N. I'h.

PI 2-4 condilion. Also Pouble maltres. Chrl) Craft. '37 Commander, 32', fully eouipped, includ ear S.t; laws Pump care. tic.

rice to uavc iiiica MiH or Box GIRL WANIS IRON ING OR CLEANING. I'll. S4-4UJ3 7 1AM oTTi i- riZ i rTw ants BABY STiTINfJ OR PAYS WORK 1'HiiNFjmii'i RtlV.SFKFlT'LR companion to (ink FLI'I RLV t.APY. Conatrui tioo Loans. Land 5...512...6 Homes Apts.

Store Motels, V.e alsn ht.v lit ft 2nd xnting Mta. GKOHGF H. PIKMAN AGKNCY aewtnf mach. fit elec. mower $'t ing automatic puoi.

see uy Best Business Buys pFiinRF.KD'p$''RtiAN Kittens sonnble. R412- 17th Ave. No. tolduig K-reen Mandrell re- app't only-. retail PH.


45 enlarger Utt.W. RKKRY Wholesale and good equipment. 1st elasa Central Let George Ho It retail, (IMMISMON, NO P.liOK fll OMIT! ION. HOIJ.MAN BEAL1V CL.NTRAL A t. UX RE A Sl-CCFSS JI LL BFAL KSTATK JWii.ii Si kk.1 of Real Filate Ad in Buaineaa lJuetloiii Una pa- te einr gueal pna claf without cost eb'Jialion.

1iu-. It 8 It 7 fit. SI. pete SLiinnl o( Real I'Mate, Fiftn St, Nn I'h. 7 72 irai'l vrl Apt, "male "aatewitan ith lnen-e.

Age 3n W. intelligent, hatd worker, uaed to intenaiva (n-low. up avtem. permanent opportunity for alert men. Commiaiion, Re-p'y Timed Box EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY For fonarventlnug Peal Fa-tale Sale) people General Brnketaae 4 extensive umk.

Crtmnninn baa. 1 tall Claude Greene CRISP liLALTY CO, rn. 7-kLiO. RcaT'EstatV Exam Coaching" Arr'aimed he hnedreda a) THK PI ST ENROLL TOPAY in the "Old Si hool" (nr broker or S.ileaman MEINCKE INSTITUTE There NO Suhatitute lor Sucre 320 First Ave. So.

Ph. (St. Pete Clan) atarte Sept. 17th 5 Ft. Fh.

1152 JCiearwater Clasa ataHa Sept. 16th) Member rhamrvr ofjfontmeri-e Rp.IsTimaterTsAlesme'n for home remodeling leada (umlhed, TrAvy against commiaaiona. llJ2l Ave. No. 14 Work Wanted Molo store, pi.c illuO icrma.

HI RFP PH III 4-42---S TRM'I. IN Yol RL'GS NOW', 1 500 Rl allowance, no down payment, ag i long ag 3 jearg to pay. all now, i-4. si. At the "House of Carpel ChrU Craft 23' Expres Cruiser, 56 Chrl) Crafl eml enclosed, fully eituipped vriT trii nrtf GIRL ll PASHHL.ND, Siamese, ier-iapeci)l llli.l fi iL.inv mi.

2nd dOUSML her. parakeet, lharbne' Pet ROLLK'ORI) rellex. l6f l'2 4 St TH AlW'New MANSFIELD mt i prov at a discount. Must be good.sPrJuLT-Rept. ti.ru 15.

kfhCFnm (rig. 1.10! washer $31 hot plate fuel oil healer $20; loinler $7j miac. tooksJtilT 4Jth St. So. REM.

1'uinp, 12 a. shot gun, raised Ventilated rib ar Poly-Choke en barrel, rubber butt plate. olid leather case. Ph, PI 4 21fllu S2.17 8th Ave. N.

SIFS AND ix)or. pn. Pi i-302 RARPWARK STORE Top walk In trade, loo pet. super shopping renter, anils (or fixture) and inventory. I'nca it.ooO plus inventory.

FOR MOTFL OR HOI SLWORK. PH. SJ M. 1 w.irk."tping. elc elevator operator or wort i'h i'n 2ih St.

South TOURTELOT, 127 CENTRAL '7 Chrl) Craft 51' semi en-closed, fully (,000 Croups, ihrand new. slightly damaged: Iriple assam rnvnana, oev leuvina bu Mvnah, ce, training record Ir book i POWER mower $S0. Bnggs fc Finches pair. Keith'a Hare ton automatic re-oiL t'aed month). Birds, Highway 44.

Lecanlo, Fla. Ph. 4150-7 Ave. North. -'Jlflt- RKPOSSFSSEI) Necchi Sewing Ma- fi CT UnilWil PIIPPIF? I chine lovely blond console cabinet 7ti nn ,1 rinenaa j.eanina eisncy PART TIMB Fxeellent1 Dependable Servire lor over 29 yesra bottled water business, auitable Mnrtesee Bankers A.oo CO Ft) "ft 111 A NTS 41 Bievclci for Salt Plu Inventory.

2ND MORTGAGE LOANS VA L- U.ll- iHavala- hlk.S (mm unvavjui nuuiw vi m.xlel, aew on buttons, mane) out- Sntilh Paw Knnel. 7f.J 4h Ave. fmhroiders, apelique), MA1U OH PAS YVOItK T'lLTi' (TiLoRFP ftlHI. DFSIR FST.aVs HOHK, Bookkeeper Upiil. Steady.

Mint have gtation wagna or aimuar lor delivery. ennn ltir rOMPANY Cold I uo. Ladie used Bikea $14 50 'J7 Chris Craft 21' sedan rrui. V9 iltJi Odd fLv.ng bridge, set by hesla $.4. Night Table 16.50.

er. flying bridge, we oy ft J-IW and $12 vpl UkM Reds $1 50. (Kid CheM $10.50 '54 1 vman Islander, P. land $19 50. P.

J. Wren. ilS Norlh r.fiuished. -I 1,750, Oregon. Tampa.

r-T- NEARLY new full sue hod, inner. '57 I.vmsn Runabout, 100 P. spnng mattresj, chest. Metal chair), fully eouippcd. like I 3,200 1 chaise lounge.

5018 10th Ave. No, A.niii i.r..irni!rnn minrvirr mnnnirami. menas. narna, ic, Confidential Servire I. CILSON.

Ph Pi 4 filRl A. iv time 2nd MORTGAGES BOl'GHT ULKiviMiM Cintrntnu rurrito Ju.t pick mau AK C. 11 wks. Females. Sn.5-0iJ! imonlhly payments.

Ph. 5-47-17. n-iohchiinfrDiirTnloe I.TGOAGK almost new Ph irniio tv ulna Tn-mTTim-BhTt onmg, truck nationally advertised, in my num. tiocooa gross. MORTGAGE MONEY up and delivery, raLJ low.

Cp, Cent) used blkea IH SO I'P- We rent bike). wheel rhalrs. FRANK'S BICYCLE SHOP, 104 lh ued ale) 4c repair to! II makes. 4th St. Hobby Cycle.

114 4'th St. So. Ph. PI 1-943 rvau nr.6. kovii.iiuiiu i uppiv- body w.th i-a ll fl -mC IV flW VI, fit- PH UK (t-1137 Ph 1)1 aic.

1 frame Taro. lighta nitco in- Now Available MIPPI.E "ag'd woman, kind and crrORES. PARS. It RFS 14' outboard, motor, trailer BTULrTFTl," German Shepherd 'e-iciuded. $200.

Sell 1100- Ph. will care (or elriet ly 4 ttjj, from to fr financing. contructior inr wffl buy 'ma'ii '7 moni'hrold. Hai bad all He PS. compete aemi-mvnlid.

Pbjs. Fh. 6-4 rxistine mortgage). No charge BOVS TO" RIKE WITH ENGLISH ENGLISH shnls. lit) Ph.

PI .1 5744 LARGE Steel drum) witn paaioca Active (or Consultation nr Appraisal. $3,500 for amrage or ghip-iCOASTFR BRAKE 453-44U. 30 Safety Crft, tw. engine St'HKEMfo" IN PtiG HiirsFT, TN'VFSTMENTS or silent pattneisn.ps. PROMPT.

co*ckTEOLS 5EKVICS tops, Ping 1, Ta-. Fh. St. Ml 1)1 2-4(1-1 I lis. uiaaoua- i ttaga uasae.a s.

v. He 5 St IT LARGE UTTER OF PLPi'IFS FREE. COME ANDJjKT IT. 52-9962, DACHSHUND MALE MAl tlti-: woman world traveler, e.li-torial and agency execulive exoeri-enced, alM) nifii-e aecrclary and it- ceolinri.st. Call 70 111,1 "M'RslN'fi'AIPF.


l-6tb SL South Pa. 7-7322 F.VFRrriilNO lor the Cl( LIS 1 RALPH'S. Ml Central. Ph. 74.Ot.82 AKC REGISTERED.

PH. 51-2242 LARGFST 1 1ST OP RFSINESSES ON THE WEST OAST Member of Chamber of Commerce STEVE LANG ASSOCIATES 5 Room Good clean furniture and misc Reasonable. Owner, phon Pi 3-7121 alter )2tx) P.M. iiOG A.N Mr. "ft SlfiT Presser wuh detached mirror, Single mating, anv bed, colonial style, with super mattress, innersprings ft box springs.

Mahogany dside table wiih 2 draw, ers, space lor radio. cherry chest of drawer) with exua top with mirror Rubq wool rug, rubber faced 13TT.I0'5". Th. Pi 2-Oiil before I A.M. for appointment.

"CONl.TIN MANGl.E PAVE.NI'ORT POUCH CHAins, PHONE 7tM90J AE1EHBj4 2TiFC'ik. Red VeU.iir Living ltisun Sri. 15 Cu Ft. Peep Freeze ihest PEDIGREED' Persian Kitten. Fluffy Little Beauties.

White 4r Silvers. All '57 Evinrude Motors In Stock Discounted YOUR CHRIS CRAFT LYMAN ii EVLNRLDE DEALER Modern Marine, Inc. 15013 Madeira Way Phon $3741 42 Boats, Motor, Equip. fl TS A ffTTM ON" Homes, Commercial ptdg), ttutck Sen ire, Free inspection 16 Baby S.ttinq Service 14.14 Fn.on St. No.

Ph HE ll'M PAINTING CARPENTRY Ph si pi S.JSH "SoofFr wan! Work -is vis. xp, VORK GLRAMEFO I K.N. w.ntie to care lor children in TINY Toy Terriers $30. 2d21-21th Ave. No.

Ph. 55-7fe4 I ow home. flay. iOiAi ntun bi. io, jl'hnne pi 5-t'," AVP! OWN Fut'IP.

Fh, 7" ')-'. ItRSIPENTIAL repaua of all kuirts. BUSINESS SPECIALISTS NaVEEj 272i central, Ave. rh.j4M5 BAYNARD Realtors GROCERY AND MEAT MART. Po-jsig-M Ave.

N. Insitrnr) Ph. 7-773 ing giuxt buainess. 'he best buy (or f2 onn $3a'J0 $10,000 MARINE WAYS OF WELPON BOATS PAIN TED Ii REPAIRED PHONE 21-4161 SUMMER'S END BUY NOW AND SAVE All hosts, motor and accessorle re BABY SiriTNG Any evening or transportation. Re 31 Livestock Free estimates, ub emi.

Own I etmdnent re'dent. fine 12 or nfter p.m. I'h. 75-nni. OCARTFR HORSE.

4 year old. well 4 tti -i; pcnicr. Lawn Mowing $2.50 Up the monev on the beach. For information call S-5701 after 6 30 p.m. or 16' boat, 35 HP Johnson Javelin, tilt trailer, fully equipped, Absolutely like new.

Big discount, 5846 5th Or more to lon on rood resmen tial a income properties. Our serv WILL take care o( one child in my home, d.ivs. Innuire Itlul 14 SL So. duced price. broken.

Padded aaddle. bridle. Cost (OOP double tied, plastic coveted headboard, complete 4727 luth Ave. No. Ph, Pi QUALITY CALVERT PAINTS RAINY DAY SPECIALS ALKYD TLATS 12.89 Gal.

$1 UL OITSIPE PAINTS Gal. 21.10 (It. SEMI HIGH GLOSS $3.59 Gal. 21.15 PECK ENAMELS Gal. $1.39 QL SPAR VARNISH $2.69 Gal.

$1.21) OL MASONRY VTNYI Gal. $1.35 Clt. MANY OTHERS sundi'V), PHONE PI 4 0R2 RH I.1AULE lEriy will earn (or 1 or 2 Ave. So. mil.

ill ha.i.111. aue. I will swap COASIMAKINt FOR YOUR BOATING JOHNSON SALES AND SFRVIt atrip planked. Excel my bu.lness that is reasonably prof- lent condition, '57 Johnson motor. chiltlren in her home.

4327 ltitli St. No. PhJle 5-2'' ILL take care of 2 rhiklfea to my home. 5 daya. Ph.

He 5-S15i. itahe for email home, or isi, Ma shod asking i'n. PI MERCHANDISE 36 Jewelry 100 lfth St. No. aJO 3ttth Ave.

No.Ph. 55-697I. DESIGNERS BUILDERS niorts.tge on home tat good value. Ph. 16" almost new, al p.

Faeeal inboard motor. A-l hp. Phone Pi 3-2791. New 16 ft. Outboard boat $395.

ice Is promut all mortgages are drawn to fit your finaucial rcauire-ment. Call nr see SHOCKLEY-KING, INC. 112-lxt Ave. No. Ph.

57 0791 open all pay satcrpay home Loans only 5" pit. No broker's lees. To 23 years. I. Cnns.jy?)!, Aft.

brjL Pi S-12M $2,000 10,000 $20,000 On Good 1st Mtgs. nulrk Action Nn rharee for Aporaisal SMITH BROS. REALTY FOR LFAsE New Modern Amoco Servire Station. Excellent opp. Good location on double corner.

Boih streets hnvily traveled. Call 7 BOATS, INC. YARD WORK Ph.70-7',;: 5I 4214 hELlABIE colored man. see .12, de-spree part. me janitor woik, after 4.30 m.J'1155 12'" 20 eai installation and maintenance Heavy equipment or other.

Local Resident. Times Rot F-42. MALE NURSE DESIRES WORK With eldrrlv gentleman ph. 51 r.noj. FXPFRIFNCFP PAIVn L'lenor or ex'enor work.

Ph. Pi or Ideal for water skiing ft fishing. OSGOOD MARINE WAYS 'LADY'S YfJ Diamond ring, about 1 FINANCIAL 20 Busine? Opp. 3S-75th Ave. St.

Brh ii-ipmi 46th St. So Ph. IX carat. Modern selling wn n.a-mond) on skies, im pel hrilliancy. TGrh In -n)nr Saerif.ca a 1U0.

Bl om- BOAT and 12 p. motor. Fust nrt'vnirwiNTT'RrtAT? S1 10.01) takes it. 5-3f 14 lev. 35 5th St.

No. xa. Lonveneo- SAILBOAT tteel lifeboat, keel, air Unk), outboard )' CARP A- till'i' SHOP SI I-. IT AT 71IH COR. 72 AVE.

N. A IT. 1 FOR LEASE BY MAJOR OIL CO? Rieck Fleece isi) Central Ave. Ph. 37 AnP'ouei (ltd Ph 7 1151 g-4th St.

So. Phone 7-3-4 "fl XlTfilSK MARlNElNSlJRSNCT AGGRESSIVE and ev-penenced sales- Good r- RflTAR Mower 4 evele IS now emnloved. d.nres Modern I bay service glatmn. near man age 3f. HAMMER ANTltli'E GALI ER1FS condition, $2.

YH JLP. Vertical. nitTBOARns. Cover bot, mmnr Lirfia fchonointf center. 34th St.

N. DISTRIBUTORSHIP Wanied Reliable man tn hsnd'e our line In this muili-milhon dollar business Must have $2,000 (or inventory. Write or wire, giving address Ir phone number. All replies 4 information held In confidence. Timea Box F-96.

iiRVicTwroNTonRsr Pre), operator leaving due to Ulnesi. Going erv. station on Main Street in MONEY AVAILABLE for Good 1st Afnrtganes HARVFY HATFIELD. REAL 4o become alfilialed with growing or P4-2n St. North Ph.

7-7T2i H.P. Horizontal. ccesaone trailer, nu oeoucuoie 0 0 DISPLAY "KITCHEN Want Glass, doll W. F. BRATFLSH.

ANTIQUES FSTATF. INSURAN't sj Moderate capital required. Fxeellent lopportum'y for the man who can iqu.il.iy. Write Time) Bog F-M for ipirther Informatinn or anpomtment. i WOMAN" needed a paitiier for rn7H -1 Ave.

Ph. 7 2102; WO 7M7-4th Ave. No. Ph.PI l-5-llt prT 0F, BirCH CABINETS Aoo'lotlon tereptfd he telephone. ANTIQUE glas perfume bottle, gold JTlBt W.

PAY A COMPANY ganuation with opportunity for advancement. Excellent referencea. Write Time) Rox v2. fleliah! focal white. Painting, minor repaira.

Hourly. I furnish tool A jqmpment. Ph. 52-27(11. PAINTER I (TiRAffiR Spray or brush.

Paper hanging. Free Est. Ph. He 6-4071 1 0113 A FEW OF 01 LISTINGS ARE: INBOARO CABIN CRUISERS 40' 1MS WHEELER 39' 1032 HPBFRT JOHNSON 33' 1949 CHRIS CRAFT 33' 1950 OWENS 82' 1941 CHRIS CRAFT 30' 1956 BRISTOL 30' 194S EI.CO 30' 1950 EGO BAR ROR 26' 1945 CUSTOM 27' 1947 CHRIS CRAFT 2(i' 1954 CHRIS CRAFT 26" 1953 CHRIS CRAFT 56' 1943 CUSTOM S3" 1953 CORRECT CRAFT 2V 1948 CORRECT CRAFT 2.1' I9M CORRECT CRAFT llWt Reach Dr PH. 5-4113 IMMEDIATE CASH AVAILABLE inlaid with glas stopper.

6V long by by Perfect, make offer. Time Box F-121. St. Petersburg. Must sell out now.

LEADING rd LIX)Y'n of LONDON EVINRUDE MOTORS order busnieva. Small Inveitment. Write Apto, P. O. Bo 50, St.

Petersburg, Modern 2 bay service sta-tion available. low in- RLACK Ir PECKER power tool, ew Ii used gpecial. Power mowera close-out en me brands. BAITIMAN'S 401-100 4th SL So. St7 HOOVER tweeper.

used 2 mos. $35; Remington office typewriter, 245 Write TimesHox torjntormatinn RELIABLE Distributor Pinellas -Hillsborough counties. Very lucrative. 38 Auclioni If yon ar holding note secured by second mortgage) that you wish to Cartercraft Boat Gator Trailer Saturday Sept. 14th Sale Starts 1 p.m.

FINE FURNITURE ANTIQUES AND BRIC-A-BRAC LIQUIDATION OF ANTIQUE SHOP AND SEVERAL ESTATES NEW 4 USED RUGS FROM WAREHOUSE SEE Itemized List This Paper Friday 4 Saturday Fine Maple Bedroom Set Mahogany Highboy 4 Chest Hi-Fi Combination Outfit Crystal Chandeliers And Others Inspection Today 9 to 5 Inspection Friday 9 to 1 No slack season. Repeat business. convert to cash. Write for full GULFSHORh SlUKt details. WE NEED WHAT YOU DO NOT Ph.

He 6-5808 Huber H'og. 4 Mh St. North Phone 7-5154 VFnTMENT GUARANTEED N-i Capital needed. $400. for merchan-VCOIIVILIHI.

due. You deal direct with manufact- mWF mR NFflRMAT ON CALL turer. Times Box F-Ri. HOUSECLEANING Inside out. Pinners.

co*cktail par- Ves aen-ed. Ref. Ph. Pi IJitSL JAKT Time curpentcr or cabinet work. Available afternoon Ji fajtui- sjay Ph.

He.62719 or S2 -2(i4. APIiITIoNS, retnoviciinc By contract. SatisLnction guar. Ceo. 2V HERE IS A BARGAIN Inc.

of Clearwater PP. Rox 1170 CLEARWATER, FLA. 39 Articlci for Sole 1940 HACKER Craft Speedboat 23' I9r.0 CUSTOM 23" 1947 CHRIS CRAFT A. ttltn a.ier a ALL GOLF CLUBS 3(r" to 407 off WILSON SPORT STORE 117-Dth SLN. 1 h.7 FOSTORIA crystal dinner et.

serv- a mivmastee. small ta- RYDFN EA1.TY AGY. 78-7045 7-4114. 8th St. N.

Cor. e.xc. DRIVE IN i. Hldg. I'kg.

apace. S. Tuhol.ke window cleaning 16 Gar Wood Spied Boat. Excellent for ekiing. With 93 P.

Chrysler Mo- small CALLING JUNK CARS Clearwater, Ha. Steady 1946 CUSTOM FISHING BOAT 1947 LYMAN (has everything) 22T956 CORRECT CRAFT 22'2" (or in very erxNi condition, ttwner ontractcr, Pt UUMIir-a lS-. mill ANTED good 1st 2nd Real Es Drlve 'em. Drag em. Push or PulLble radio, antique liame.

misc. Ph: monthly accounts, clot to 2.ofi( per must sell. $095. Col I'l WANTS MOTEL TO MAN- rKUrllADLt bUY tate mortgages. Quick service.

Money waiting. Call or gee em into our ara- lui waiting 7 He PHOENIX'S SITxTOAST MARIN'R da wk. BLDGS. FOR SALE Restaurant Thriving Business AGE. I XP1 Nt H.

EFFICIENT. F63 ftETIKEI) fully "qualified bookkeeper desue part-tuiit position. RSVP 89 75th St. Pete Bch. 21-7091 SHOCKLEY-KING, INC.

112-lst Ave. Nn. Ph. 5-4336 or Ph. 7-7534 eron St.

NO. JUST ACROSS co*kfcY CALatWAX On main thorougbfar In new month, pin numerous contractors, which deal exclusively with us. hull price cash. For further information call Clearwatrr 3-3314 or write PW. Clearwater RE Lit and wine restaurant, "win! plenty of parking apace.

Could be turned Into drive in. Reasonable. Ph. NEW elec, sewing machines with ro ime Hnx K-il4 $5,000 AVAILABLE for good 1st mtg. at pet.

James D. Dowling, Realtor. modern masonry cunning tary ig-JaK 4i button-hole attach H.P. Evin- la ft. Carter Craft.

25 300 $400 $700 $100 AT MarDIl AIR BASE 2 Butler Metal Bldgs. 2-Quonset Hut, ltiiv-tf Ix4 12x15 2.1x51 LICENSED practical nurse, private with drive-in parking. Prop ments, $5.1.93 comp.i other from rude. remote control, teering 27 6th St. No.

Ph. 7-6527. erty may also be purchased. $17.50. Paul Wilkms, --4th St.

hospltRl or aanitariurn duty 12 years hospital exp. Hose Hotel. Room 2u4. wheel, convertible top, svinasnieia Restaurant fully equipped. MONEY WAlTLNOto loan on good residential Ii acreage properties.

nan.on fuahlons. speedometer. $775 S475 wraOTcncT Ph.7Mf.MMr. Wedekmt. Family illness forces quick t.Blrte 7nmn 20' 1953 BAY CITY CHARTER BOATS 40'4" 1931 CUSTOM (DIESEL) 37' 1938 CUSTOM (DIESEL) 30" 1956 BRISTOL (GAS I 1957 CUSTOM (GAS) SS'10" 1953 WALTER BOYD CC'S'M COMMERCIAL BOAT 1928 CUSTOM (DIESEL) OUTBOARDS 21 '5" 1955 OLYMPIA 18'2" 1955 TROJAN SEABREEZE 18' 1955 OLYMPIA 18' 1956 CUSTOM 16' 1956 CHRIS FT 16' 1955 CENTURY 16' 1954 CUSTOM JIACH1NE Laihe drill work, pre sale.

Call for appointment. VARIOUS OTHER BUILDLNtiS. btb. properue. call Robert! MMth.

Street Norih cision i standard. Writ Times Bog Flit. B. Shockley, 55-Bii23. rHILi-U Air onauiuiicrs, new nnn fr "sen, special up.

rineuaa Air 1W0TELS: Experienced coiipie, nin- Gator trailer and )kil. AH used very little. $1,000. 1033V4 19tb Ave. So.

Ph. 14" PAN A Crait. Windshield, top, t. It-bed trailer. 38 P.

Evinrude, electric. $1100. 6th Ave. No. 22" Ft." CHRIS CRAFT "1956.

cabin, inboard. Expres cruiser. Cavalier, Realtor Phone 7-1157 LAMBRECHT JlPV-tlih St. Nn. 61 lU lUdll Conditlnmne, St.

So Our rep. MR. BUTTS, at Bavshore Cat between I A.M. P.M. er call CUYAHOGA WRECKING CO.

3.400 40ih st Tampa Ph.4-2.12fl ll co. ftr'deeD "freeze. "Yoi'lt unit, lure, will he in Florida October. 10 'FAN-STCI'IKSTS. TABLES on 1st mtrtes.

Broker 5-7HS1 The AUCTION MART 1816 Central Phone 7-8463 year managing, maintaining. Last position 67 unit Courtesy Court. Re OPPORTUNITY SPOT (tnfiO Tint St No off Haines Rd. LAUNDROMATS? 24 Loon (to S600) 2 metal single folding UNCLAIMED FREIGHT appliance 'Victor box; a OS pans onipieieir r. Wi haYf upvpral fond Parti nwvs beds with mattress.

Ph. Dl iped, at coat of over W.imo including plumbing, furniture, misc. Everything n-w. 9.11 Central. LOANS $75 to S.

oi. PFRS0NAL FINANCE CO GUARANTEED WEEKLY INCOME by operating a Cigarette Machine Route Min'mnm Cah Required This opportunity is offered to dependable person who Is interested in their financial future. For details personal interview with local representative, furnish brief outline of your background write times Box Rl Vn N.4CC RAT" alter 3. Free Parking Central at lPlh in Laundromats, brt fating fsfab-hshments St grttcpnp'i. Ul how VncTB I "hip to shore.

Beautifully mainiainen FIFE CHEAP 1 s4.2tM takes it. Owner want larger 16' 1954 CHRIS CRAFT 14' 19-6 ST 4 MAS 14' 1957 GULFL1NKR Inc. Ph. ctinn. 7cc( p.i.r.hora 'CO-Operative Fixture GAI.V a 16C ft.

you our Buy of the Week "a1 I Li. a. an IH Til. 0.7-71 5-4948. We Buy.

Sell, Trade or liqui CUT 100 McLaughlin THREAPED. C.alv. ft CrVr fitting" Craft W. 4 ROOMSF FURNITURE o. Gray Fast.

afe. economical. date Used Market Itjinp. ST. PETE mailt-power mowers ft edgers.

Factory prices. Save with us. lnni St. No. 9 3521 13495 Gulf Blvd.

Ph. liable. Not over 45 units. James, Jin? Wells-. St.

Louis, Mo. TRASH HAULING ODD JOBS" rnoNE 77 n-tnj PAINTING epsirs Wnrk 74-nnjj tSBT ATRlN ft, Ll V' TL.N'iT, PATVTTNG a ALL MA-fONRY, NO JOB TOO SMALL, fre fstimvti, russ mm BLOCK WORK Free Estimates HFNRYWRFN 42g1st Av. S. Ph. 55 0113 aft.

pm STONE WOfiKamf all type o( All th above outboard) have mot-tor), some have twin motor, and some have trailer. To buy or sell a boat contact Stary Hammond, Sales Manager. CLEARWATER MARINE SALES T.ARCE MARINA CTFARWATER PEACH, FT PH. 3L9591 CLEARWATER every type. Sprinkler ystem materials, well points, etc.

Lawn Pumps, CIHCULATLNG HEATERS, flue material), galv. ft black atove pip, gutter ft down spout. WILL BUY YOUR USED TOOlaS FOR CASH. Like new. Best offer.

Ph. 82 3013 af- ter 3 20' Jersey sea akiff, 75 HP Grey, cedar planked, double planked hot-torn. 11,600. 16 Paradise Lane, Tree. Power Lawn Mowers BAR, REST, PACKAGE GOODS SIOJ ENTRAL T'ERSONAL LOANS TO g'iOO COMMUNITY FINANCE Ine.

6W CENTRAL PH. 7-2197 $10 TOT600 ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWFLRY Pnvarv Assured, Bonded by Stat Bank Vault Protection H. Harold Whitney, inc. Watch Jewelry Repairing 204 Fla. Theatre Blclg.

Ph. S-H53 FOR THE PRICE OF 3 WIFE WANTED WiTH CHARMING HUSBAND TO THE COMFORT AND ECONOMY OF 4 LIVING ROOMS On the Peach. Sarrifir price of trima rinse nines in family force gal of busi 1" Rotary cut. land Causeway Tangerine 7-ir 2 H.P. Clinton engine, Reg.

UiWnw. ness, building St equipment, ror appointment rail or 7.5eTI, RESTAlTvAN'f and Bar" for" sale or LIQUIDATING "EVERYTHING! mo 1 plus inventory), with excellent income. AUDREY R. DICE. REALTOR 11010 Gulf Blvd.

Ph. 52772 14 ft. boat with 25 BP Seabee motor and trail- All in vnrari a-ondltlOH. 2435 Over- NOW ONLY $39.95 SOLID mahogany, 14' Turner Craft Boat, with controls, steering wheel (Price too low to mention!) for lease with or without. (lrtii li-fl llnm In In MASONRY.

New repairing or reraod- Sraillg rkwav lci dining room)' properly and 1957, 35 H.P. Evinrude $700. Try the serv rear. Zoned for business. 2 'bedroom 5X2'5 CASli See at Shell Gag Station.

16-151 Guif RIDE AS YOU MOW! ice of a home owned Finance Co. Jhi4 ISth St. SO. LN i EN -V nt -A real buy. $73S nargatns.

sunnay tool ne a-s-i log nr. sj sj. BARGAIN BAR PINELLAS AIRPORT gHEEAN 62" beam, 25 h.p. Appliance, Antiques, Br c-a brac motor custom trader doors, sash, creen. heater, iinkt- jnclu, Mri.

anchor, life pre-paintings. chairs, tables, bed, lamps bumper hitch. Ph. 21-2372. servers, Redinglon Beach.

Ph. 9-7004. masonry home, furnished. Shop 2d'x Ce.LVan Rotary cut, adjustable Brlggt ft BTEAUYANU bOHt-K. 15.

lt-ARb more than flO.OoO. SEE THE BIG 20'. All foe Term. HE 5-3071. EXPERIENCE.

Ph. 55-9654. Real Estate, Broker, Ph. 17' CREST CRAFT $395 Matthew He 5-71HS). lonis, sresKS, niioas, sruraia, irvaius "ACCOUNTING model Mercury Mark 25, 15 NOW IS THE time to buy a 7 Stratton 2H H.P.

4 cycle engine, TLNANCE Till Cential StraTOR Keg. $249.50 -5-419L uniii nMi tim tn TV's, radios. Come browse with us YEARS EXPERIENCE BEAUTY SHOP. Downtown location WAV! l-Tt" faitv to Incest time CLIFF HADI.EY ft SON 2 Locations to Serve ou Better 1 2'i p. Johnson $30 EARL HENRY MOTOR SERVICE St.

So. Ph. 7-7168 small amount of capital In a newiwilh low rent and substantial year 501631 Av. So. Ph.

PI 5-1900 ItUtl UKLI 1JJ.oJ THE HAL'GHTON CO. 2927 Central Dial 7-3441 23 Money Wanted Puhiio bervic Busuies. Tune Box1 round cuenteie, two gins witn a nt-p S4 He cash each can make back Invest L1VINO ROOM GROUP Include) modern 2-pc. acrtinnal, JO colors, corner table ft other accessories; or 2-pc. living room suite, or modernistic convertible tola-bed outlitj 2 lovely lamps; Formica top blond or oak co*cktail table; 2 ofa ta.

hie), platform rocker or TV chair, aiai. smoking (land, piclur or floor lamp. BEDROOM CROUP Include mod. ernislie 56" triple dresser, beveled mirror, bookcase or panel bed. Sleeping Beauty mattress outfit, cbest of drawer available in Pink, silver mink slate gray or twilight mahogany, 2 wrought Iron lamps, or with above choice of vanity, bench, 2 vanity lamps, nice roomy cbest, full au er twin su bed.

1, Used Boats traded 1 49th bt. ft Park Blvd. Th He 5-0101 open eryttav-1 ues. at i nuts, tit 9 nn trailers. For a bargain.

TYRONE A TI ONLY. Ph. pi Remodeling, repairing, painting biock work, 31 Icusie or air conditioner J-iat'ttton Free estimates He PER.MA.NE.NT Age 42. Mar-ried. Desires position in either sale) or management.

Reference. Tune Bon F-41. TEXACO STATION FOR LEASE CAM PLirir. 19 7X0. ve at nr NEW GALV.

PIPE PLAZA TRAILER SALES, 3630 Ty LIKE; NEW 16' Thompson Lapstrake ment in one season, iiwner xnusi aeu at sacrifice due to illness. Apply Times Box F-LI2. rone Bird. (Alt. 19 design, bras bolted construction Write P.O.

Box 1155, St. Pete, or JALOUSIE DOORS 2 "6" 6'8" $18.95 INCHrDEI GLASS. SCREEN OPERATORS JALOUSIE WINDOWS AT CUT PRICES witn new windahieln, run call He 5-6301, Tampa alter 7 F-M. tued 1st mtg. on modern J'H-lSe ft.

ft. size to 2" R. horn. Spaclou L.R., Ie. lot.

PIPE CUT ft THREAD TO ORDER Convenient to shopping center. An'Galy. Copper fittings, every type excel, mlg. Call Robert B. Shockley I Sprinkler system materials.

lawn OWNER will furnish building on main highway. Want partner with cash to start needed business. DI 2-4122 eve tU-2 1L pump ft well point. for appt. to see.

Ph. 53 -8623, GAS station. Invtependent. Lease. Reasonable.

Fine location. Plenty traffic. Owner, 1J.4 Lincoln ClrrleNE EXCLUSIVE nings, NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY CLEARANCE SALE NEED ROOM FOR 1958 MOPEI.g $100 to $200 off on Brand New 1S57 DuCrafts 4 Jackson CLIFF S. HADLEY ft SON 2 Locations to Serve You Better 5018 31 Ave. So.

Ph. s-ienn MAN WIFE PITTSBURGH PAINT $3.50 GAL. Jormsrn Hwde4940 -66 St. Dl 3-9571 LOW EST rebuilt vao cleaners, $14.93, 1 yr. Guar.

Free Hum demon. Part ft WiT! manage exclusive motel, nsed to'su Good paying business. Reasonable. 502 -2nlh SLSo. GROCERY jTFiSH JiARKET DINETTE GROUP include dealing with lush clasa clientele BATH TUB ENCLOSURE h.

.1 after 6 P.M. INVESTORS wrought Iron set or clirom or heauiiful wood set. Seat 6. FOR SME OR TRADE. REASONA ning iignts.

steering ft controls 25 Johnson a Gator trailer, 1T.D. winch, $775. Call 72 -8053 after pm TROPICAL STORMS Won't worry you ynu zH a trailt-r for ywir boa! Tilt-Ramp; Tilt-Bed; Straight Trailers for 12 ft tn ft. boat. MASTERCRAfT, TEE-NEE GLADNEY Th finest at the lowest price.

DOWNIN'S Large following of former repeat East loam guests. Must be 111 beach area. Time liox F-12U. JUST LOANS IN THIS GROUP on all makes. DATELLO I AC.

FXt'H 1109-19 St S. fll 7 ft-RJ INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Progressive construction company has opportunity for investor to share FKFI-. 16-pc, dishwai aet ft I PC canister set. BLE. PHONE PART NER to assist marketing "new and useful do it yourself item.


FLNANCING AVAII API.E CIANT JALOUSIE OUTLET 040 CENTRAL PH. 8-7064 tually S.AVE $90. Valued $.189 95 in any other store. Deliver lor 15 Work Wonted Femolo 49th -St. ft Park Blvd.

No. He 5 0101 Onen Everyday-Toes ft Thurs Jil 9 15' FISHING BOAT. Ready "for water. Two well, oars and anchor. Prire lHiO.

See at 2.150 23 Ave. So. ALIHORIEI) DEALER FUHl MERCURY Motors 15 in profits with complete protection of capital Short term loans with high reuirns. Times Rox F- (7. "DRIVE IN CN BEACH Sacrifice for ouick sale.

For appointment PJk 72 3123, 7 .10 A -5-aiPW. RFAtlll r'BOUTtf-BEAlTY SHOP LOWEST PRICES Bathroom fixture, kitchen rooks, shower stall. Rough-in materials. Electric ft gas water heater. Installation if desired.

ECONOMY PLUMBING 1105 4ith SLSo! fh.J)! 3-3031 lift NI) 3D" Attic Fin with au- $.10 $.. weekly. FRE STORAGE 100 ML PEL. SOUTHERN Furniture 1110 FLORIDA TAMPA Open Mon. Til 9 P.M.

Ph. 2 7259 8424RarPineaRJvd RtP 594 RUN A ROUT. 15 MAIL order item with repeats. East seller. Nothing lik it.

Time Box F-l 14. MODERN Service Station, 77nd ft Central Ave. Owner ill. must sell for vaiue of tock ft etjuipmetit. Ph.

Dl OCaT.ITY Gmciery Store ft Meal Market, on the Reach. No competi-tton here, onlv down. KARL HENRY MOTOR SFRVtO! TYPING-PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Court At Convention reporting Thesis and MS uping. Pickup deliver. Ph.

S-t-ms. 1 "WAS 1 NG IN MY HOME. REASONABLE. PHONf. 77-0 NEW ft used heaters.

Complete serv. ST. SO rttor. i-iim motor, new sleeting and controls Very fast. $195.

Also IIP .14 heain. a -NICE, EQUIPMENT. C.OOD LOCA Iii9.50 Sola Beds, brand new, slightly COMPLETE LINE I-, I liar i nivei sa. mnrraa RETURN ON SHORT TERM (12 Mos.) $2,500 to $3,500 LCANS TION. PH.

9 9M or W-3211 evi- iiifilllP Mtnni ...7 n. it v.onveiillii.l lomatio shutters. Staler! bearings UT rvirtltllit -r pany nsn-itaotaa tn Sofa Sil. V. FOR RENT' OR SALE Rollawavs vren.

119 North Oregon. Tamo. i ver d. b.Jf 3 NLVV ft ustd furnituie ft applianics i.nar wt Play pens, cribs, strollers. b'gh HAULING nia ti, mnn Cull hit.

SUNGL0W REALTY 1514 Gulf Blvd. Ph. chairs, etc. GULFMART. 1201 Gull, RnRl'Nf R04 TS DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham ni roej SFCt REP BY SAFE MORTGAGES.

Buy et Trade. Joe'g Poat 4 M7Ml St N.P h. 4-6521 fiw I nw'N MARINF WAY1; AMLitlCAN electric trains Pass Br.rlge. T)VriS" TOPA'V FOR YOUR'TLEEP" for -Perfect boating fun. Haineg R().

Mh Av. N. He 6 jUi treadle SIfl rnnsola i.19.50 33(1 3rd St. So. OPEN SUM.AY SEWING MACHINES Portable $2,1.50 Nover used.


GEO, EASTON FURNITURE CO. 210. -2nd Ave. So. phone 7(714 "CASH" FOli" A.

"HUNG FROM Cup ft Saucers. Furn. to Bulldozer PH. 6.5l!(i6 MOVING PAPS, SPECIAL COVERS INr.AKLY NEW MARK 73 CI.E-4N, PI). Sarasota.

Ri 7.9567. SALES ft SERVICE Phone 21-5f51 11500 Gulf St. Pete Beach BLIND PASS MARINE i'HILCO refrigerator, 8 cu. excel tor i ash and smaller motor. Th.

5-7970 before noon. 14 ft. boat, 10 h.p. motor WANTED AGENT to handle our line INFORMATION BY APPOINTMENT CMERON-R, St. So PLUMBING SUPPLIES CHECK OUR LOW PR1CFS WATER HEATER SUECIALISTS Kitchen ink, bath fixtures, soil pipe ft fittings, pipe cut ft threaded.

SUN CITY PLUMBING JOS 9th St. No. Ph. S-4752 lent condition; GE 17" TV, both $175. Tn.

He 61143. ONLY trailer, oars, and anchor. $225. 2il'j xinn Ave. rso.

$359 SPECIAL in this mttltimillion dollar hc-sincs to establish accounts. Must ha.e $2,000 to cover Inventory, Write or wire P. O. Bo 4032. bt, Petersburg, Fla, TOR INTERVIEW MEMBERS OF THE CHAMBER OF COM-MEHCE PORTABLES HAIR DRYER $15 13(121 BOCA CI EGA DRIVE MADEIRA PE.A(TLPH.

9 72S3 15 HP JOHNSON mode usefl approximately 6 hour in fresh water. Like new condition. 1251). 14 TOILET SEATS, S3 ft CP I LEAV ING Inia id cedar chest, WAREHOUSE SALE! t'SED REDDING ft FURNITI RE, "THEY'RE TRADE INS" (TWIN ft double:) Hollv-imod beds. Wood ft metal bed.

Springs, mattresses, couches, chairs, bolster etc. at price for "01., If iiuhami-" Cholc of 18', IS' or four 14' boat), new ft used. Also new 12 h.p. ft 20 p. motors.


Ph. 7-2750. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE established busmes. offering an immediate hn-h Bureau, 9 drawer, Remington REGULAR AND ELONGATED Jack Gumn St. So.

16 ft. Caulfnian boat 25 HP John- $7,300 on 1'-i icres. 2 bedroom home interne. Ambition) man can triple present volume. Permanent.

$2,000 returnable and car necessary. P. O. son motor; semi-tilt-bed trailer, all 195C $jui)complete Ph.He 6-7212. 14' Carter good condition.

LTILiTY trailer. Ford half ton body w-ith aluminum top. ideal for camping trip or hauling dogs. Ph. Di CHECK WRITER also IK800 on new 3 bedroom CB home.

Broker 16 FL CHRIS CRAFT Express, heavy duty tilt Gator trailer, 3 speed winch, to o. F.vinruriai motor. Windshlelrl. Box 1413 Clearwater, We also have floor eampiea of new but fully completely equipped. 30 HP.

Evm-j bedding slightly soiled bedding lightly soiled Standard typewriter, No. 10, -0; Mandolin, miscellaneous pictures. 3821 Lealman'Ave. (5a'h Ave.) Rear. FULL" size Hollywood bed complete like new, $25.

New 10 gallon hot wa-ter heater (or trailer, in ealed carton. Cost sell for.t40.Di 3-2575. V01C OF L'SIC ECO TAPE ft MIKES, $125 St. N. guaranteed, at reduced prices.

26 Mortoooe for Sale top, bait jail, remote controls, end ji rude practically new, eleetrie etart- nig, remote controls, exti'a other extras, liiiil 144th W. No. Ph. $60(1 P.LIIOI-, MJT.IHESS MFG. CO Watson Watson Fh 31-70-5 after 6 pm.

Largo 91-5371. MORTGAGES I-OR SALE AT LIBERAL DISCOUNTS esnr.nui-n, tAV.oV.NGI-; SlOttr, 330-Sih bL No. PH. 72-6791 on a rrt, 27 ft. Chtij CraftTnead, galley, radio RE4ONARF Pff76-0153 MARTIN 40 5 HP.

out boa riTinotor. Sears compressor complete with motor and gun. 6-17 Taiuicrine Ave. S. There Di 4-6141.

fitiUSi-KOLD GOODS. VACUUM CLEANER, PICTURES Profit 'B As Aeeotintant'e Know-Boss telephone. Sleeps 4, A-l condition $4,350. "New Moon" at Embree Ma CRAFTSMAN Reel type mower. 18" I Inline, Ihsl fGAGUs paying Insured ft guaranteed.

5 cut. Briggs ft Stratum 4 cycl en duhi ntramo ALL SIZES Ii TONNAGE KEEL TO TOPMAST PAINT ft MARLNE EQUIPMENT St. Petersburg Shipbuilding ft 2nd SL So. Owner yr. term.

Box F-35. nn l'ttt Ave. Ph. 51-5441. Sectional s.

b. and new, slightly damaged, $219 cash. $250 sec tionals $119. Cheaper 3 piece curved sectionals $Bi), Cheaper foam rubber Sectionals thi 9. attnniil S'l7 gine, su) 5151 2nd Ave.

so. Kange Times 2 3 1 SO. COLUMBIA 360 Hv-FI table model. 20 1ST mtg. lean on cr.rner '5.

Silvertnn Ht-r table model $.5 lot with improvement. Pay $75 per REALTIFLL home massage chair, mo. 6 pot int. per annum tad. in'les Hug wholesale zis) vtn Ave.

so. pfi J. Wren, 119 North Oregon, Tarn- 21 rVestinghoue TV. table model. $100 trls fc'J! $179 ti Ijot p.l.

loo boat mtr trig TV gctiMu hot. r-ir i nr? all channels, $5, MIDGET TV ft RADIO SERVICE, Jio tth St. So. Ph. For largest ST I HON AT SCOTT Craft.

21 ft. inboard BEsT PRICES. 2745 CENTRAL AVE. monthly payment. Thi i a jt: Price.

Recommended for artiirili. mtg, all or see Ph. He 5-1359. SHOCKLEY KING, INC. NEW FURNITURE BARGAINS 112-lst Av.

No. Ph. M336 or 52-0791! TRADE TN YOUR OLD MERCHAN- "THUNDERB1RDS" Finest in Fiberglass 15VV to 21. i' $395 UP Richard Cole Design 9 cu. fL refnger- er.

r. cray marine engine 4ro so hrand new. We In th gelKrf of only better busmesseg. Tbi 1 all do. Normally we carry nine Jffl busines listing of all type and price range in tina area.

We have msn? flne, wen known, well established businesses that can be purchased fur snout dollar for dollar for their assets tnat will earn So pet. and better Per annum on their pur-(base price. CnlyJBetter Businesses Mernbet) of Clumber if Commerce tor; good condition, $t25j I niversal electric range, $'0; 30 gallon Sleep 2, with galley, nciosed heed. slightly damaged, $37 cash. 9 "'0 JCIIM'.

Ph, 21-7(132. Heatmaster electric water heater, $uri I IVFNTftrk: FORI'. Sew. brand new. Reg.

Pa- I 1.3. Now $34 93, 25 yr. guar. S. Hon 4" St So.

Pi 1 3 piece breakfast auite, $25; hand lawn mower, $10; alummum walker. Swivel Chairs (27.50. $59.50 Platform Rocker $24. 5t; cheaper Platform Rocker Odd Living room chair $14. Tables $4 P.

J. 44 Furniture Cots. Birds PeH I HK.HEST PRKT PAID FOR Ave. So. I'h.

71 3 30 Doq, 9300 GULF BLVD. ST. PETE BCH Blind Pass Marine 11 1,1 I I 1 1 t- wtenll'l lamp. BaaaBaBaaaBBBMaaa vv-iii uu, a -o no ovw.WVl Mens. Iirflnrl naw TOT CHI-PLKE PUPS Aniiiue r.u.

our nru-immp ir eono. turner isugntfy damaged $32 So ensh, cheaner 'M H'-okras Beds, bmnd new, Simpson LOAN t'Or" 6'4 Central ft soil this pronlm all year round. 1 IH? CORRECT CRAFT rrurs-c. 25 stsle. ti9 ureo in ixlithtlv H.muH inti h.n $15 UP, PHONE 5 4731 i sun arnwera a.

"rdi'ei Power Ilo-! FOR ONLY $M9 1ft. CThrysler Marine engine. iCireenn. Tamo 'er atvle j' nt RoYAL IH TCH ROTE ft Ytaries fi. up; Eowr reel A'TOMATIC COOLLNti-IIEATISfi 10.

ft. CHRIS CRAFT open boat BednW SALON FOR ANIMALS. Poodle to. "Pi eager -co up, 'sjiena rnisn 'rm'' r' Nrt- Bcaihcaaar Bl-rt-enrt Chest, akt, tie iiining riaun set; tables, Prorltiet Co. $34 Pasadena Ave.

So. PACKARD PATRICIAS'. I'5I. SIDE MARLNE, 120I Candy brand new. iehatr.

an.i eialists. 7601 3oih Ave. No. fa. -r -r 1 'I" II Watson Watson 8lh North Ph.

7 3981 LUNCHEONETTE For aale nr xnit lease. Ph. 4 IPS III 2-4971 Imiles. IV Vui.a r. slalliirv TV Ph.

irJ K' in Chesi. jm. chen. I DON'T i'MVf VC' a i i. ts iii I i.

i I LliU buys, SelU, Ccpan) converier. i g'niar, smau outnoarn (, nvnre-lrl i jcase rieo and icase Bed and no iiai rent nos O.Nt.Y. FefrtgeM'or ft sj Elect. Arol. pee motor.

Keasonabia. .1 f.ay bu Blvd Madeira Bech Group) nd H9 50. J. Wren. BARGAINS IN NFW ft H-RSTrrRIS 70 19 Sf, S- (rear P'as house.

I II North 'heron. Tamp tial Care Av. No, IH 5-10-1 -ft 27Jt 5Jth Ave, N. He fM Sunset Ream, Ph. 143.

I Phone e.ao-,1 nr 9-4493 i.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.