Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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IRoom tot keg! I IR "att I emir Fort Worth Star-Telegram Monday Doconthor 24 1956 Morning Page 15 4 1 ArbarilPft Urtneheli 47 A ml101 tu DUptelell and Gara90 Apts 47CJ wANr 1 er Et4 aptirt CI 61517 NEWLY decoralPti air-condlomned Hama weesia nat 3600 Cia Bu late Boict Call PE 74tR6 Cu riai Hwel 4 oto: 01)11 4611 I S44 Astions166 tow toilA 4411 ilw 1 LA ICelt tfloohare too' S446 ir777-vi GARAO art for 1 alt bills iv-lid 30 Ave WA 3-27i17 AU HIS Cinwhel euviec bu jr firL iut Clatie PE 761F El) ti-4223 li T'onnorTly 18 11 f'ir 41 I It lir slitoor 1 --ty 105 No Onk floot 114 hi? ULI 06 8 1' tilethogittly door rt I C0111 NtAill 28x3 Hort VI LEOow unit 8 5 fu 8 5 52i it I Siti 4 93 RELIANCr 1101 FL SI wee" up to Si Mt: monthlY Large lubby IV 920 Monre 110 2-08? FEDItOom New C011itklat borne bus 9 Lipscomb I vreter man I Au Iirs Nice tantre elncletici palci PE 3111) SMALL bacheor vnittle baths Dais Dala TE d3444 rArforsta ii''4717Zitecri 7117-A it4 tit the-ti Etti I4 Ltri a IlloILLnnwtyt end tiontit 4ti 1 2 DliooM ro 1)Att1 65 I 1710111 'I F7 8 bath SA I inouth thas plis I A 7 I tr17' 144e Worth 6 toottut Mk 4 OAKS EIA1 LsIA I I' nori'EAKI- 2 bedrin month WA 72V3 WA 2 It EDECR) trclric colivea pm-1 JE 5 01 house Vt rail( on Baal lot) liti Cr 7 31' 2 ROOMS AND bath rear 2'210 Bills vet! MA 42319 LI) 657to 1 1 2 ond 3-Room Apts 484 Lumber Co rE a l'E 7 3971 CORRUGATED IRON Calvant7ed Iron 6 to 19 Is 41 ClAivAtu-iet1 t't two tn 17 SItt AS i hwIle gtt sitttol St 77 Sttoc 8lh NIA ti-Vr711 Across 'tont litockVarti on 183 Saki UNUSUAL 3 room' bias pant SS 50 WA 40475 3012 McPHEItSON -Irwin ant VA Sicker 80n ED 60b 3-1WOM tint MOW and retriNetA tar fccerL back MA 617 NEW CFI ICES Avrillable 18w tr nuy tylLote 1t(rti go 1 er tki Mrthtcon 1154(13 ()Atte! 8 1 IN ate ID( L''v'vt4114 cur lot te orl It 1 8 DIM( 1t1s-t1 tor w4' Ittur4 vnrue or 11111 103 CE 7 :114 Lxi ELI I hubine01 (( I it 171 81 A 8 1 t) mutt t(8t8 tot V11- ers entrattypn A 4 04' 11014 SIDE 101 I ION II Prid chotee urt1et tle( OA or utthrttit trAckikate toth utniotit ptlI fronAlke NeA101Ke I-1es Call ED 24419 Ntit WA 40 col NI-11 MD( 1)1111111a 41 WAlttaholle Dtirkthi A 72727 I I MODERN atrromittlored ()Mee 'pace th tor I eknt pal Ina lo18 3 (1rs off Wes( 7th 811 And tO Alohtoe or leor 1:11 yoi1' or 11) 8 Alit DON Dn loNKI) offIve Dan Watt8otter Ittititt1ng ol VICE suites tor tent Ar rahie part Mom terAnt Peik ratei 8voce Ar311 obe Fortune Alms 'AN) lior met St t'lat nce 101 Jr F11 8-74A (tenet tuatnor A141) VI(N (Or conditioned office 1- room butte 38 swvire feet Janitor service tliihtlem C18 50 ver thnth ED k'ott SALE ONEflAND '56 AUTOMOBILES 41K ORTH SIDE 702 24th a meats Inches Packed $15 2 molls $12 SAL ot biscuits TV shower MA 6-5387 PftivarE rooms with meats 811 50 week 1409 Peunsylvania ED 84828 T5ICE HOME with niett5 for working girl 1421 8th Ave WA 1-1r1 'DELICIOUS MEALS Nice rooms 1804 591 Ave WA itti20 DELICIOUS food Canily kit le wood beds WA 4-9111 l0141 FOOM AND BOARD for men ED ED 5-1808 PAY WORKING gentlemen home cooked meg family kenird otte block bus MA 4-120 AIR-CONDITIONED rooms family titY10 meals Southern cooktrig 1 014 week El) 88770 528 8th Ave NICE Private rooms with or with out meals 1123 70i ED 6-5206 NORTH RIVERSIDE-2817 Bird 2 $12 Men TE 8-3252 Your Opportunity I 2 3ROOM APTS I partlY 22i4 Ave Et JE 4416 1317 BEWICK --hedecratt1 ro 'ins bath St skeek 34i312 3-1400M GARAGE apt Wall to all earneting (Icor torloice nip drain excellent condition Et) 59174 TE 8- 5642 We lit Sitio Are 75A tiMAIL Mils paid lE 41151 alsott S2 I 7 2 and 3-Cooto Houses 52A NORTH SIDE 4rnotti house CO 3-rowu l'E HALION1 CI lY 'Modern houe St5: oaler ralL '1E1188 ON A BRAND NEVI AUTOMOBILE 441 21-'' 1 fr Al i A Did) 1 4 To To Save Up n111(11 EA It111 IVN80 down no rlostng cost story 4 heltootn tick den ilrtnOter cartnnit 2's Lit per month nnt Plorr towel VI 6 72'8 11)4 I Ill PI ht11solt tL2 I Snssex for clown snyinent on into hone or 1 tr 8 147 4-Room Apts end totper 488 41100M apt private bath part7y famished 165 914 Lloscomb ED 94891 ICA Buick Super 2 Door Riviera Coupe 1140 Radio heater Dynoflow power steeling power brakes factory or conditioned rytt white fires custom trim and other accessories Cote's and white L131 156 Pontiac StorchieE Custom Cato lino Coupe pudic) heater flight Hydramatir power steering power lirokes for-tory oir conditioning white tires Eye hack up lights anti other accessories Blu and white 4-Room Houses and Larger 328 FOR RENT Azle 1U11 2ctorY 4 -bedroom 21 reot or iroo $'041 oer month l'toril Ft) tlsod '56 Chevrolet tint Air 4 Door 4'Sodons Podia hooter whits tires or conditionlng '56 cbsv010 Bel Air Sport Coupe Roillo hooter powrglid 8 ngine whiter tiros 1 fro Gloss bump or geoids thromo molding trim and oth or art own itt (Ii01 NI) I 10011 nio squat flirt choke col ner pimp gltiS irldWit 'Knit doors 1 Iiiiitiance or iiii1111)- 1007 Al kervier includrii A Wire Piirktni 1115 Lan ktster ht) 4 Ick Bum Century 4 Door Hord61711 tops Rodio hooter Dynes-flow power steering power broke white tires ye durd ithoust custom trim ond other ethos DON'T BE CROWDED Compere your preRent bedroom 2-11atli brick m11111111'4 enrly Ai rn Inrce paneled (lei' that tii for end fire Janie Anti tieeutifili time 1111i Air rothiti tridir rum led tioici mks setulli GI st tmeti INGli I I a BROCK 117il2 ICA Oldmoblio Supr 88 4 Door So don Rodio bocitor Jot A Wily by dlomotic white Eyo ttoblno woon mid A 'i I 11 It 1 I l'' ii 2-SIONY 4 bedionin brick south Pidn lea Piller Powe11 111) 6-itt20 5745 Waddell 5 rooms 560 50d Manias rooms $75 Siltrwoorl 4'1 toeing Open Wed1e-51ity MA 4 R145 ItIVF1 OAKS PEAL EsTALE 4012 SANDACE-- Pretty 2 bedrooms staher connections fenced $110 JE 11-8129 NICE 3-botrooin good location lit West fenced back Yard flour fdrance Sdil yin-milt available now 111) 5-5471 PE 8 11131 1118 HARRIS 5-45inin frame $47 804 aij In 5-room i frame 2613 Virsinia Ct brIck 5 monis Stuckert al Son En 26166 ROOM F1tA51E nousE and bath $50 month 111112 25th tit 2-1151 I Olilimbil 88 i Door Holiday So0160 (Ian RdIo Jot A Way hywhit tilos and Whoa a4 (Atm loc ick Buick Special 2 Door Riviera Coupe Rudio heater Dynoflow foctoly air conditioning white tires Fie custom trim and other accessories Beautiful red and white color JAItIs His Art 1401 lath St--2-bedroom dn Oreses and 4-unit sofa with or without ranges and refrigerators: laundries parking areas ward train tnance 552 to $57 50 51 A 6 2141 Noreaat Arunpair NO DEPOSIT I 2 anri 3-bedrooM units in nletel2 redecorated Ftoves and refrigerators available Water bill raid 12 50 to $6250 MA 4 9o18 2542 IP 11)111 WESTIIAVEN 2311S IGNER ONLY $60 NO DEPOSIT range water and yard care furnished Convenient to Carswell Convair MA 6-3330 1113 liTH AVE 4 and 5-room thud ern 940 up ED 5-99116 912 PENN ST loveli 4 rooms and bath largo closets range and refrigerator central heat laundry room Storage adults ED 64413 CARROLL PARK 2409 Drew 2-beriroom apt No deposit Seniniary-TCH area Range referigericor water furnished lamb dries sli2 50 967 50 WA 3-1122 NORTH SIDE BRICK-4 rooms tile bath venetian blinds Youngstown cabinets rubber tile $35 VA 3-3826 WA 3-3504 A lit 2 belt lows comer lot "1 1101 Engt idro Area MB 1 alomitect to Nutil 57 1 1 IIIIMFL WOO FIJ It Kr) Apartment Exeoto five evnects to ITIOVC fiiIIIIIV ot 4 to Fort Worth 1 Feb 1U Needs first or (juplex Purina nent 3 bedrooms or 2 extra hullo WA 4-7tiol WAN113) to rent over 1800 bit 1717 3bedrooto house With Warlige near Citrswell to mem) obout Dee 28 Coll Carswell ext fOtiti Insurance MontRitite lit1111118 BRYAN 7(s) Telm tit El) SAUS Itt)ME OWNENS-1et us rent or matutge PrOPVI't it No cog to vott free uppratsals name Mititrtru Iturris Pmer Powell ED 6-7220 business 'rt Oldsmobile 08 4 Door Sodom Rto tlio houtr bydlotoutic puwr steering white Otis podded dash I lye built up lights cold other ocLos lul Buick Special 4 Door Hord- 3 56 tops Rottio hooter Dyers-flow white tires custom tilm cod other accessories Chevrolet gel Air Al Door Sport Sdon Rirdio below powrglitto 8 outline thovtutot BO Air 4 Door Sodon 1" 6 cylinder strindord shift Rodio hootro white tiros i uI toione blue and white thotl '56 Buick Supor I Duor Hardtop Rodio broom Dynollow power steering power looks's ioctory oir conditioning Ztve Gloss custom trim podded slosh while tires dual ovhcorst Beautiful blurk and white color Hair' '56 tuiris Cotoury 4 Door Hutdorp 'iodic' hooter Dyntillow trowr sowing powor bodies mtury tiir ronditionirm white tires Eye dont xioms! and it)thor accessories Iliad '55 Ruh Century 4 Door Hardtop Radio hooter Dynollow 2 Eyo white tircis custom trim foldried cloth duo! shoust and ottior accossorios V00 11 4n1 11A7ELINE- nritrnom nlyttlnut ut tittinto in tt ado l'E 3i47 II(lAL '111114 No down povntrItt $34 titontit17 tiloVes yoll into Rood 44mi twine 'true tract uttlities Rvatinttle cult WA 13112 ail JE 5-9464 'riot Weibutt twrri PO! zakcaatermiglialearmoomO000ausommos South Side Area 75C 4 i it NS Codilloc 67 A Door Sedon Rodin JU hiatior outomalit chive tof air conditioning Whit filet 1 Eye Cdois and othor ocroianies Ick Buidk Speciut 2 Door Piviorts Coupes Rodio 'outer Dy no how o11to Sites custom slim osui oth or accessories 2-BEDROOM home oft South Fx presmoty 220 Anna laDie emielett Pan 4 Years old 4562 ()lacier WA RPer 5 th 'J110'7E-BEDROOM 11011Se p20 tith Ave $65 Phone WA 4 3-1IPMROolt 11'2 baths earpeteci7 fenced central heRt AT 4-201 NICE 5-roont house muderu Swale Peld Phone A 437t)2 ROME OWNERS-Let us rent or mana-e your proPerly No coxt to you Free appraisals made Maureen arris 1 'trier Powell ED NOM' 11 VC EST-Nice tirholn house 4217 Bonita $50 JE I 2 and 3-Room Apts 47( BACHELOR APARTMEN'N Central heat pine walls everything private JF 5-5490 JE 6-1295 coLLEGE 3 rooms private Lath JO Rey 320 Co ilvaa WA 4- iin77 HIS bachelor elliciencY allot' center bus bilis paid SJO ICA Frederick PE 11935 All ACTIVE 1-bedroom cott age near TCU Connie only WA 3-211 1 2 and 3-ROOM apt private baths 122 Hattie ED 24094 -2 ROOMS private bath entrances couple Sills paid MA 4-2069 "COLONIAL Hotel Apt I and 2 bedrooin apts aiso efficiencies: utilities paid 3600 Camp Bowie PE 7- LioUTH SIDE brick 3 4-room SAO $65 Adults Bills paid El) 5-1152 Rooms atiO Apartments Air-conditioned downtown ('OATES HOTEL AP All West 4th St El) 25315 'EX MOTEL 4819 Lancaster redecorated throughout Rooms and althi garaut's $15 up JE 5-9336 LflI MANoR 1101SIS APTS 917 West 2n1 ED 5-0816 wEsTM0011 COUR1s kitchenette apartment and bedroom Daily maid service everything furnished 5800 Camp Bowie PE 7-6611 310 HEMPHILL 1-bedroom 1114 EL) 5-9461 WA 706A1 2-ROOM APT private employed couple 2732 Hemphill WA 7-2216 Nice 2-room apt 1 TE t'OLYi--2 rooms near TWC William James and Poly EleinentarY Schools $55 month bills paid JE 5-8054 after 5:30 JE 5-7402 3-ROOM apt downstairs private bath bills paid 850 month days WA 7-8489 mghtes WA 4-8244 :301 ST LOUIS -Private brick apt netlY flirnished carpeted closets Eonvenient close in ED 21022 11-671ARY APTS corner 7th and summit Steam heat bills paid AP Apt 104 804 Summit BOOMS AND apts All types Corn pony permitted ED 2-1805 DOWNTOWN apt air-conditioned 312 rooms electric kitchen twin beds 912 tat St ED 2-3965 EXTRA NICE 3-BOOM APT 855 Private bath Couple onlY 2727 Toronto JE 4-6802 JE 113813 1-ROOM efficiency 85 416 So Jenning 3 '56 Buitk Special 4 Door Slalom Radio heater Dynuflow white tires Eye mid other mos sories 2-156 Chmiro let BPI A4 8 4 Door Sfulms Radon brow pow tglitio whit It es 1 Ey On his power pod motor NEWtY redecorated 3-bettroomtt dtshwasher vent a hood SM 2I124 IlnlligS WA 4-iti79 Duplexes and Garage Apts 48C RIVER OAKS lovely 2 bedroom redwood and brick duplex $110 month bills paid MA 6-8436 liCENIC VILLAGE Duplex Apts Central heat carpbrt near shopping center office 917 Blue Bonnet Dr Oakhurst TE 8-9508 NEW 1-bedroom garage apt all electric ulr-condilioned central beat 27-foot living-dining range and drapes Convenient to Temco Bell General Motors $75 jE41909 POLY 4rooni duplex mit 2 blocks school 12 block bs Baby bitter In next apt JE 6-2923 2603 VICKERY ROTA' 3 rooms bus Open PE 81889 These Specials Good Saturday 22nd and Monday Merry Christmas to Volt omit 111 Our Good irrieutts Where it Is "Always a Good a Good Deal Moro" 1 i tat FURNITURE STORE rl' AND 1's11) highlin good htat log good letr 11111111101111 of litlittton Owner ham other interest litty 41 ram ALM w'1 new vell egullgted driven lea: CE FOR cleaning hiant a tut lorated Lionte rood taisille88 Reply liox 4311 Withli AT EWA and hoine automat ls dryer eNtrartor AU for 1-1(1N1 FINLEY Cleburne 1 exaa BEAUTY 8114)Irm It unit shopping center 4010 110MVS 11000 CM'S NeVi nuelen it up for 4 onto ato: 8 $1 fato worth tantitguent io $t11 month rent WA3 ir112 or station tor solo at itiVI11 t1' :1800 Hemphill Call NIA 6 352 or AT 43552 YOUR BUSINI4s rnil '1E 8-92741 FOR SALE fully 9-stoul rite tad NIttenola A PRIME INVESTMENT in 3-store buildlng front Ins on West lierry tit Earls with a good lease tu a branch store of a chain to per cent net return L5000 cash plus small rnorigag asyttnntlion WA 7 WA 7-5353 ed) 2:019 0 ri A 1 4 1 4 MT 0 0 WESTGATE Apartments Dwellings AS LOW AS RICHLAND HILLS new brick bedroom 2 baths large den and natio year tonna air conditioning Walking distance elementary and junior Melt 1-veer lease at $150 month 3111 tribadie AT 4-502 ARL PTS-5 rooms breakfast area near school shopping district Oil Dexter $05 available Dec 2tah PE 1-11414 2805 21s1 4 rooms 2 bed rooms carpeted TE 40764 3 LAHDE bedrooms walkdn closets verY modern kitchen bath washer connections 2-car earave fenced Yard heart of all Arl lits cons enlences children welcome Move In now PE 7-7423 5room modern house 2100 27th St MA Tcu brick Redecorated WA 42045 WA Vaiitt 3202 VICKERY-2-bettroom borne with carport and storave area Nef4r bus schools shoppintr center $55 month PE 81160 Attractive 27 bedroom house In Cred wood 2 doors ft om bus $70 month ED 6- 4Sici PE 1434a0 900 WEATHERFORD CLOSED SUNDAY LLOSED SUNDAY ID 2-3242 (7311 Gill AVE )---10-room Suonisli PAO dna AA A 4 CORNER lit --Just for VA llMIi will buy this heoutitui 3-betiloolo both hifine With double elimort onti breezeway on on overliat lot complete with shrubbere oni tree Price IWO 501 Ilemly in ye in Viewiltra Addition WA 31113 Enjoy suburban living in Crestmoor Park An His Low iinte Payininta about 614 monthly on Ihe large 3-hoiroom Iv-A-both holm a) detausit in13y your choice iike Soon) (Ittst '1011 Yea rieluitimi to CI psi moor Park A111lion 20 311N1 3 I IHOI nOWNT(I 111111)1Nit CO 111111N Vi A 41flofi SPECIAL I I No down plivolent VI 50 month' moves vou into troori 4 room hom*o Loran ti act il1iq volloble WA 63132 and JP 5-le1114 Wien berver Co ilee) a-1tOoN1 1101Shl 3 bedrooms with den Mt wiring niuntio1 foe antt en toured a maw' $3:0 down PA per mouth Call WA 3-7311 nu Bum Mist cella plcuse 'YOUR IE! Home 11111T1IFST MANSFIELD Pm!) 111ker WA 4 1121 (10 MiilltIrt ED 213A OPEN TODAY DRIVE OUT AND SELECT YOUR NEW HOME NOW! Vets $100 Staris Your Loan On One of These Beautiful 3-Bedroom 2 Bath Bricks Highland Hills Addition 'Hull AM LOW As I il Vt 7 $4250 rAtotolonoitios Inv 'tolp 1 tiostees Northwest Side Area 75G THE IICRT LOCATION IN IORT I OR Sittmted north of Camp Bowie bet WeVII LIIIIVerSitY Dr EDI bailey 3 ROOMS nicely iturnihed near TWC shoppIng center 2841 Ave $50 WA 1-1953 ED 5-1211 14 JU ailtW '64i 1 halara tat i'lt tholithsf act I )ovl 1tii 1400 III Universit al ielleAl esl RY Low tioun 'amen! Lovi toonthlY parineol4 idle it a new Chevrolet atilt maa clot el (el lin ate iiee I I) ih no all Willi he tont as vim! Uhil atm at tun ii4in Price pro RENTAL OFFICE: 3228 Hamilton ED 2-3838 Use Classified ED 2-4131 4-Room Apts and larger 478 PRIVATE CLEAN upstairs nnt nciolts 2304 Market ED 59879 NICELY FURNISHED 4-room ant Infant welcome Apply 1905 Hemp hill 3 -I3Ff)R0()M 1500 mwn 18 a month Including Oise anti higlit Duce a lutist for the budgeted faintly 3 True It I NNV beau nu' 2 iii twin 'ludic 1024 lUlugrr a If A 111'cl*tl 914) Pl11110 3 runitut bent towed yr tl belt Conran Obis SlOt) tiAlWkt 11207 lurtbg tin Vitt Ilia 4' a gounta ir(IecuraltI rpm I iliiirr l'oa)11 t'l) fl )-liiSTOVElt Ell duart 3- Iili own cal bOrl fol)ce aUt Sleeti J'iner 642211 ''n '56 BUICK Super Riveria Hardtop Coupe FOR SALE doe to the Oath uf ovm gtorry stork Window told fly tures tor lea l'Itore NIA 1-0785 after 5 10 r) fl (WI NIA 6 Hon lu Itt-ticK 11111)111(111)) $11)00 minal Ooo Corolder ranch wnh runnuor Jtto Itwsed 3217 Lemown ftMac mo (II (Ii1111)N1 wah tate model fixtures weray parking' fiktee Ot IflD tr) highuay tor lee ir sate TE 8 ItEttftY tiTtiEFIT at Frevo ay 3032 ()Wye Dlive In An 8111k17111)1 1Witi ton Ryon Motor Co 11 11167 I LAN 1 heater and ((ii iiIijg i 7 4121 Mary Elizabeth Ants 2n08 HEMPHILL 1-bedroom ant ctose in on bus Adults only WA 7- 0484 3-ROOM apt furnished 1319 Lake WA 3-2147 UNUSUALLY nice 412 rooms COO C310 Mitl WY PE 7-4170 4-ROOM downstairs ant 1 mile east of Bell Aircraft HighwaY 183 BU 3-1842 NORTH SIDE nearly new 2-bed room ranch Me brick tile taih central heat garage $so MA 43431 NORTH SIDE-3 and 4 room du plexes and hoimes MA 4-3931 North Riverside Apartments BALANCE OP DECEMBER RENT FREE ON UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS LIKE NEW -Zbedroom duplexes Near bua school ahomuna UNFURNISHED $63 Furnished 190 Office 3309 Hollis end 2200 No Nig erside Drive TE13-7377 1 ipe cri UtlitrI 417 111 lit nal) fi-411111 Nafional Van Lines Inc torAL LONG oisTANcE MOVING MA 4-4711 MOVING large or strait Call day or niyht WA 30428 WHEN MOVING cALL Gibson the move man WA YOUR furniture lnu1 while rime Inc lowest rates WA 4105 GA lbSON'S ittAssrra 24-hour service experienced movers Insured vars $3 per room Call daV or nicht JE jE 66535 MIUMEMEIMINIMINIS Nnehonn Side Aron 75H-H v1111 a Irrondillonint in healer power ateuring and 111kea A benotifol canary w1111 red Interlot Actual 10010 film Ont owner ear tills 4116 for it 110Mi buf 'TANK KENT MOTOR CO "roar Aldhothred t'addise Oehler" AIN AT I A Nt'ASTI 'Oita $13600 A delimits jimbed peptones and Garage Apts 47C NEW PHILLIPS 66 service station for lefve 3301 Miller St Cull MA 6-352 or AT 41552 FOR 1EA11E new multi Pum11 Fen' Ice alatIon located on busy street and bear) reAdential arca WM be ready about I st Reason aWe Investment will gnat antee mnrein Phone ED 6 3497 FERVIC 1tti i1ig 160o0 val In WA 1-207ti WA 491158 TO BUY Fell trade or borne call SInca l'E 7-9414 15-CENT COIN oneratcni laundrieet financing F1'111)10)1(4 CovInaton or lohnson I 1-s141 9735 OH Len mon Dallas eXitn 0 lc t4 riv Iv wilo TE 4 190 Il Iri MACK 11 loot! nutrril itrt1111 144 utt1 Stim VD 2- i VERY NICE 6room brick duplex with garage 4r7 'Mornings Ide Dr WA 14972 WA 3-5872 HANDLEY 3room brick duplex billx raid TE 8-9258 BRADFORD TRANSFER Local long dictance Bp Ft ts cheat) AP She ret ED 91101 WA 7ifilo MOVING 10al and long dIstance Zachary El) 6-3728 EL 2-9859 nAQT DUPLEX near 40 Oaks 3 rooms bath redecorated $50 TE 8-5600 3307 WEST 7th St 4-room aPt garage $40 Collie PE Open 31 3 LARGE room duplex Near school and bus $40 WA 341100 South Side brick duplex 4 rooms $45 WA 4-2845 Mack Truck Inc 2812 NORTH MAIN DIESELS Fenret ant OM PatiO with each house rYlPECTIONM: Drive nut freeway A south of Setnhotrv Pr if) Felts- turn olf turn sort runt follow stilts to Ittmlbe'l noon! bouse 110 rlAl( GROVE Opnu daily lo to 3 in The Brown OrganizaCon rnoNy IVA 10111 ItJT SEMINAPY ER lhedrmnp tjj-to down no cloNitnr ertrot Pte f'11)1CP) frucod Anna hie JE 6 Inner Pnwnll 1fl 6-7-tt'll nryNIIHIATI Ar0 (Mum move In 412 roonts rurport fnored Pinnr Et) 6 722A SrtitTli VIDE 5450 down 6-room rionlmt at-Mtn Arnve sehoni hns 50 total Carlton Thomas WA 717 Pim' Powell 6722a SOUTH SIDE duplex 2 large rooms bills paid $55 Adults WA 4-9600 2 ROOMS ground floor complete lv Private bills paid Nlghts and Sundays WA 4-6803 days PE 70124 GARAGE APT couple I or 2 adults 801 Page Near 2400 Hemp bill GARAGE paid garage 2115 6th Ave WA 4-5720 ARL apt Couple bills raid $60 PE 7-4355 FURNISHED garage apt to em ployed couple 3012 Willing 4 lower Private 3 rooms bath: hills paid 1200 El Paso ED 5-5534 FOUR AAA Inoels In Fort Worth to elannto trots Halley Roberts WA FOR 117-KFE-Serviee 61aInnL GT) equipped 011 tiv thorooahlare and re4nientiel Annroximately S700 ill 'handle Guaranteed margin El) 1n3 ACRES-30 Rcrp In cultivat ton 73 good pact lire 51-unrn modern ruck house deep well pressure tivs tem located on Ikhw ay 67 50 rutt1 south of Fork Worth $520 Year IRIP TPVIA SI50 down no ring cmt move In a-bedroom Irnet (m-nqt num 11r11 A1117E1111 Jenniniz4 Al' 4 Puler Powell 6 77'26 IIIVEl11)1 $350 (town tio clohg bedrooffl tile carpeted doli hId' gHritve Iq1r1 'nuke JE Powp1 1I) 6 7226 Ott kENT 4 1)Irooni 4 13i118 tilr()S itorol 16111 Boi too FE 8 01'4 MA 6 UPS I Itil radv 11'to tL () 1P 1 iR13 MA 1'1 At lilt 1( it 3 toI r000ln I baths 811W6 NVII 11 CAM 11W11 $11)11 111)tit It Al 4 11'11 I)1)iN RI IS 2 liFintlIHM fI Attieg like new Payn ten14 818 month John itt)bOtS011) Al 414111 1Vk 3bellroffin II lek Ii nothri tionhit pnrave IOW rU0 '1011 Ill And Inlider A 1 4V111 NEW 81)ethoom 8110 (ten bi hooe car)els e'ertrin 81t1 hen Au cointatontliv ootionol Best tyl to town MA 6-3781 II WA 17176 f11cl*tANI) 11111S 1 bedroom hrickm Rlic1nn 1111 Iry 1Ihs 2- cur sider Itt It equity Johe5 Al 4-1181 e6MaM MMMamTm oati 111 ode otoirmi 1 WILI-7 RENT 1-'2 dunlek reasonablv to married couple with no children On bus close to stores and town WA 1-1405 12-ROOM ar a sot I block Cons Shopping Center TE 8-3640 farm large modern hteve 51A 6-2758 411 ACRES-5-room modern hue edge of Air $75 month MA Property Needed Piner Powell ED 6-7226 21)11 Intertwilmtrit tutirtor 173 nitn 1itotto 2ti 01'1)111114e NTurit 17( II I iitiii 'tractor tottltnal tit' it 'trim' Ntak Ili 3 ti tt Mixer Mit-k Who It While ticha ANt'l A $200000 BUSINESS A brIck fine rate on ko Oro lanie bervice station known iron) coast to coast Ito burrs aiit two nice homes tor iiirtneri hip or tor Liiher and son 1'ii 1itl location Bustness over per Ilay sieativ reeniar nk it lovn li i)O nii tcraLs COLLINS COLLINS Ili 315lii Main St lion Worth 'texas N'E PAY CASE $300 to $3000 tip Are' 75n X111A INICE 3 19)119 101 trill vrt itild ('Ti' 199 ttndr bir equity 111 Itt1111 1E1 'Ili I nog 4100MMINNIPOOMM1011100100 wit1 for fill1111 1011 11U11 J11 1loIl 1: AN I I I A EtI 1 loll or II PUY calt 11911vi1191 AT 4 CLEAN CARS WANTED! We Pay Best Cash Pricest Seo Us Today! TO1 WItht 11) BUY Sea Or rt i 'Man boo iliEDAaZiiM -4doevAtomPlov-vv414011400o" Remodel Build and Repair 11Mt' ED 2-4131 to Place Ads Here Remodel 11it gf 7: (7'5V7' Y-4 771' '---7-ED 2-4131 -61 BiAld ''''''11 I 9' 1 I 1 1 gil 1 51" 10 41 0 -1 1 I'- and I 4 -s! I ro' iiiiii-kr' ri rf i Place 1i 4 -4414i 111 ilii Ike Nil It oat oPetsiimo Att ifil2MAdsmmtHere WO ANDOVER Pin1114 $4 2Q onlY $70 month l'or (it or ilA qItr nty(dirt OH (13Y servii A Robert Rancid NEW Al l11) Iro 1' 119114 tro tdie 'Huhn 'wow nialim tn tin' 't 'winnow itlid i vil t' lint''' linlvt1 'I oily' ti ')111 ill Pro l'1 'II I (0'1 4A1111 triolet 'I 1t1110' 1010 ittintPiti 111 all IWO oloolily fin' 1tvt $2 200 lo it'm I 1)f i11 '1 AhE 110 '13 (111 11 11 k11) l'av or take (Uttli1 4112 WI' inici 1 ilMI: it 416 11'11 Ott NHL rt Iti'llti)t tin4 et1 tew RR H0 dean crd AT 4 RI' MANI) IIII1M 47116 KEN MICIIAPh 2- imth brel (1(mble vernee lake ails Ihnia or value In trade Itt 4-2241 1 A3117 $30 rbmn $21 Moll lb SMALL 4-room corner lot 2115 51rbel TV 711 5 rereort 110 Sloo ens' 552 51 mooIll MA 64R4 5 TI()0511- ('oronrl 2711 911 clOt rtirmth MA 6412111 3 Ii171)ImoM ennvenient In A real 11115 210 month inelndinr In terest toeg Ind Ingurnnee 4021 Lebow TE 10-UNIT MODERN MOTEL Best In (aMd newest In the city nit ceotcr List laid iMY S' ImaiwaY tirmee) Owner sayi riet ever vol per month 1'0 no0 with SI0000 cish down eiLsy terms 36-CA I MOTEL leroom home two Me haihrooinst tile bathrooms nutlet tient in court electric cooled 5 rieres of land Taime in nround per month $27UO annually 'DAM 1mc innuOlv Pest twat $10:000 lin some and some IIIt end pyoutilY loyments COLLINS COLLINS 2-5383 312 11111t1 1011 Worth rotas coMMERCIAL nstliT4 enrrm 14nule Mount Itill 10 rate eatitnig find boat oiloinve ti1500t) 1111e give or Inke difference l'E 4 2211 'IT 8 3717 RAY WILLIAMS Auto and Loan Co Dirt Gravel Sand Cement SF CEMENT work floors slabs porches Miller JE 531ilil GOOD SEAsONED barn yitrd fertilizer for sale PE 7-3191 II I ItS Lake Worth virgin soil finett for lawns yards garlens 1MeDonnell Dev Co PE ASPHALT paving drive ins park ing lots Pate 64142 CEMENT work yard leveling' Free estimates lirTpd MA 4-32I0 TOP SOIL Any kind sand and gravel MA 4-Onii9 TOP SOIL gravel all kirds Low prices quirk delivery 69K8 Pll run concrete grivel Yard sand nnd sanri TF 0 11114 ruhiell- oo t- NEW 111A hi 3110 h't)ek IT ILII wn 1vItck Conttrut tyt1 Cotninny Fp 5J0 l'E 675 Smoi 110i Turn your Chriqmort bonus into brick home As low As $79 mifiliti lit BUILDER AT 4-1071 End of Year Sale SIN MAIN I) ANi 10 ittl 1 Junk arli HI it nyt MA 4 TIT! inij eons toWleCil VS MA b-7311 General House Repair SA CALL ME for your home repairs JE 4-6191 REMODEL REPAIR Free estimates 3 years to pay Experienced contractors Call BEAN LUMBER CO 5:13 West Bolt WA 10011 DO IT YOURSELF Build that bookcase cabinet closet or other improvements you can get hard to find materials and bard ware here BUCYINGRAM CO 2226 Riverside Dr JE 6-5601 UP TO 5 years to PaY FREE ESTIMATES Work guaranteed Rea sottable Drives MrderiaJ only 11 You want to do the labor or we will furnish everything needed for New Room Porches Garages Fences of Redwood Painting Roofing or Siding Call Bramieti or Cley PE 846502 Castleberry Lumber Co I qH Duplexes Apts for Ss le 75IJ 11A It fig i)(111 oft WO fir1 Iff 1101111 1111105 tr sl 100 lin IF Ihrti rd 1)11 Hifft W01111(1'101 If di f'ilfFf fit Acme Mobilo Home Co 4911 11111kNikl' General House Repair SA REPAIR REMODEL No )ob too a mall Free estimates MA 6-4571 CARPENTER wants small lobs TE 8-8740 liEMODEL ADD a room or garage: Fainting 36 months to Pay TEAGUE LBR Co 2501 White Settlement Rd ED 2-8393 i-A'EsTON'S complete remodeling eervice Free estimates JE 6-1554 HOME INIPROVEMENT Garages room additions rooms siftings paintings Easy credit BRITT LUNIBER Co 3410 NORTH GROVE MA 6-1523 NIGHT PHONE TE 4-1216 WE CAN SAVE you money on roof-tog asbestos siding and foundation work Hu to 36 months to pay It costs nothing to get our prices Jackson Roofing St Repair Co ED 2-5365 WA 3-7224 LET US lumber over to your place and build that garage remodel re-Pair Free estimates Kuykentlail Lumber Co JE 61921 LET US ENLARGE THAT ROOM! Add a room repair an kind roofing and siding spoiled terms arranged to suit Si enberg Lumber ED 6-2202 FREE ESTIMATES repair reinodel cabinets paint sheetrock References Guaranteed TE 4-2698 TE 4-0524 1110111-25 SPactrals lobby ogler etaprnerclalti extensive industrial deyelopneni Owner leaving Real Deal liox Drind Prairie Texas Phone AN 2-06 (i lenses Itottitit L-S4111011001011nommaarit NEED partner for further coinWe Win No I tt ell in Oliluma idpe sPt CM feet shot 4 shot per foot ith 20 1ait oil sand tot al oil sand ltt foot log specification with Cid foot oil rise sit pre'sent If interested C(nt Pict Shirley 'I Tisdale l'hone 3T)77 Ada okitihmra OPEN TODAY TILL NOON tt A floONIS nett earbort I Al25 en month MA A rain 2tar) (IltOVFP 3bedroorn home 2 lots For nulek Artie STAO0 down balance $IO nen month net ler horrv fil'imV lifnmpQnv IF NO Do MI PAN 3-bedroom home bodt on yopr lot No red time rail WA 3-7311 (No Sunday tilVISP fly OWNVII 2-bedroom In Diamond ra11 month PeInq trnnsforred opt of 314 Ron rob MA A-Tnel I odo etab'11)e1--" b41: room ft aniecf10PI Nee TT: 4 1C(ThMS carport 2eo9 iIh Apia eN11 1t1 tTIOffih MA A tPAn Terry Vledll down cart's hole Speer JAHV1S A'ItIn ro eIosing en! 3 bedroom 11'7 tSe hnths fenced carport Ann Swag-pro 1117-AnnO Plper Po welt En ItAli( ST0 1WIL 2 hetirmn Achool Jack 15 Pottera 1) 95Y10 rn CONCRETE Carl) gieor patios slab part-beg Banded TE 13-63 CEVEN I' urb gutter sidewalk patios TE 81136 IL Woodall ommumweeneeteramosoassem Septic Tank Service SG 4 aimed Pra 4 FOR RENT-11-room hatpar) iikIii1 kal Riga apartment 0)11 ED)M ILi la14 w1i1 Ipla v1071 3 apt 1)49 halmmai 100 ta evt 111 RI 111)1' 4 4 1193 1ii21 MACE() LANE TICW 3 bed Tenni I boil pyrn 11)ft1 lor inala11)))) V1' A 3 (rii I HWA '1 111-3 11 trop plivIvent $0) Pro I) IA A 3 I K111 'A 1 RICK 111))11x 1) 1111NN IiT (111lex 3 tamPs bath '07 '0) 3 1 At Sou: Er) 161? 1(1 NT i-'i J3 rtwili am' 2 haw 441 IIIYiii 3 1-'et NO 'INN PAY ENT 3 1i1a)ril home 113 WI Yit nt N) red taPe lk A 3-ri311 1No 14nrfity tiliJ ))10P avek-- 2 vo)els rrt Irv)) 9 11 Nixon water vital 1 1)2 11)2 l'E 11-1179 MALI UN1111(N1'1114) apt I a( 94 11ryp 11 7 1 PINT rIti Luvea m111) 3 loom apt l'E 7-4169 3 DIT1'LEX1753 stile ertrbed PAra gee lii Itlevrte 5 umls ft h(d Nee Away at Y1110() lAke ettr hntor In limb It 4 FOUR UNI I brick mit Itentoloil onh 11650U Ilatey Itpbert4 WA 7-8139 341Ennoom brick trim carpeting 220 wit-Mk Kelymntor eiildnets central twat itiwttil patio mrItnie 3 Pm 1m 4 tier rim Merits $ti5 Sett equity Boo Wili consider rii nen Citil urCMY J0 '3 ()Amu Cit 4 ItErtrIMM fenced yotrl Clop to Idyll school and virade I diot 1000 (iown 1201i Lyntpiale CI 40412 14 44 041 1p' 0 0 11 'A41 il i 47 Jt or (1) i AI (Yr I 1('''4 lor l'' 1 41111 44 4 11 tr! ''171i'ITI' c- 'A-1-i'fi tp 111- y) i4f '1 4'4 -ko 4 WANTED To BUY Oil pronerlY nroduetion lenses for development and letues IRISH DRILLING CO INC Tel MI Eastlard Texas Sox 221 WANTED -VVe51 Texas leases aid minerals Navarro Royalties Com Mi'lY Midland TeXnP Plumbing Service 88 PLUMBING and rennin AI work guaranteed WA 4-6723 NEW AND used plumbina 2605 Jacksbnro Highway MA 40751 PLUMBING Jet: 97 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Utility ditching Free itinection li(ensed 131third 'IF 11091 CONCRETE ARKS rew er nite wall tile Pressley's Cnncrete Prnducts 72 Throrkmorton St ET)-2-Snn3 ipthwpt Side Area 75F! kohl Into --1 Use Classified ED 2-4131 ioHr 4)11110 minif UItE co Atti717 Moufly to7u7e Ctor7 Velodia We 711110 (or mmulualt value Irriknau SAII 07 lent how 11 otus fur ve000luu ur Itael I 4 74007 CLOSE OUT PRICES tqlw 111A111 211 foul 'no 1 $1 T1 4 low o'al lull haft 11771'7r (All Li ON lit A1111i PAI I 701 tiovet 17r I'll 1171 Just Arrived AU New 2-Story and Bolcony Kitchen Southwesterns Liberty Trailer Sales 3733 Belknap TE 8-3261 1(00 ()unlit" 7o7ut 7177o or iPllij out 1r ire and (VNIN 111111 111 '110T EICI111111 HU All lruttuu CI? 41001 CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS LITT euFlam halt lionle I ran seVe ymi money Dave (omminSr WA 11012 I)()WN LOVI17 new 2 bedro)ms vrber corroctiohs fenCed Assume INT NEED hon1r9t dttpletrrtt to tert or 41(1' ftwolv IT rt'l HURSLARLINGION List or sett os yrrit er-ptit3t 1 Pyle- rot rt! Er) Sewer draln tile well curbing Warren Donaldson 610 Rivermde Dr ED 2-1375 WILL PAY ill per runt tor tor 1 Stir wi11 becured EL) 2-1305 TOP PRICES Insomosuzummosse Clothestints Posts ELtonf font int IIMONME100 lATD(mOOD ADDITION Oftrs toot Iota ill Fort Worth (onvioii lcl no ill)CtSOOD IN CO WA j-IVri SA A 311116 131)0 ToOl I tike Drive 1 FOP 1) ranch a von rad1 hjoer Exrelleht cm-10111n 71121 radio hvater '52 Cid vIi p()Avr Ntvorinv h't kuh o11 witi (I titt Painting Paperhanging SC' PAPERHANGING 612 room UP If Hoot ceiiings Jeffries MA 4-7460 PAPERHANGING paint tape bed testone Terri WA 3-064 MA 4-7312 INSIDE and out painting lane bed textone Weather stripping Free estimales TE 4-1257 A Joiner PAINT PAPER carpentry renairs Work guaranteed Batley JE 6-1423 BUY THE BEST Staleg's first WIMPY paints can us for reliable painters prices and terms Stenbera Lumber ED 6-22n2 PAPERHANGING and oamttna Bob Evans Phone MA 6dfil7 ATTPACTINT bone lii fnfilv Wetf It! 11101b07lood ('lrce to 'tlt ort otrrwlito) 1)11es (9111rl)e rtnd sindn-drde refl ter: bedrooTn di 11'2 bnthq wndburuirg firetdoee neokly do orati 3721 Eiddlson JP: 6-3019 or 1 5281r OANS l'P 10 $2000 CONIIIL MTV FIN ANcE THRIFT OM 'ORATION Br sl Ph El) 65464 LOANS On Your htglinture Only Western (thararte LoRn Co 413 Math ten 6-0424 nO I HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions remodeling Repairs: foundations to roof Work guaranteed Free estimates loans nothing down Liens consoll dated $25 a month on $2000 BUILDERS 3025 Race TE B-s817 'REMODEL REP AIR FHA TERMS Free Estimates HEAD CONsTRUCTION CO PE 11715 Night PE 75285 WA 3-5950 HOME IMPROVEMENTS repairs and additions No down payments 3 years to pay Free estImates Come bY or call MARTIN LUMBER CO Nig Vail ST TE 11251 'HOUSE leveling repairs carpenter work roofing and siding Terms Carter El) 61732 GENERAL house leveling and boon dation repairs termitingt free egg mates Hayden Sanders ED 24175 HOUSE leveling all kinds rotten siIs replaced WA 7-0977 HOUSE leveling all tYnes founda Ron repairs raising and blocking Free estimates Work guarantee Smith WA 3-9133 FOI FHA Rod Cl Fowler Co roh Ave WA 7-1Wil Vits I e1t1 A 7 26(11 QUICK CASH 3-INCH new steel post elfred In In stalled with 4 wires SI395 ED TEEL CLOTHESLINE ra)I Installed ith 4 IN ires $135d TE 841563 TE R-7R45 clotheflines RUArgnteeri NOlitY Sales Service MA 4-2752 Anommuntunommos qauting Itorci Work 81 CAR lot irt Worth Buy miwn PIIII vet plo1 irwe N10111) otti( eg nvr $100010 lflI Oti It6(111i111( 11115 tho Ift 5 )511' 1(101 l'oc)r Boys' 211 1)r ij VII eh Motom 4 n4 ItHkm PAPERHANGINU 25 Sears expert enre WA 42384 1010 TEXAS STREET FT TAKES ONLY 5 MINUTES TO GET A LOW LEGAL RATE LOAN SPARTAN HOMES For 01 ffl 'HA ED 67'n Piner Powell I ES I EQUITIES Motor Investment Co EAPERHANOING-110 a room up good work reasonable ED 50981 BUILD repair sheetrock tape bed textone painting JE 6-7459 WORK guaranteed Tane bed lex tone paint Jones 'IF 4-0J21 PAINTINO shretrock tape bed lextone Cantrell WA 4041n SPECIAL TIIN $41'1 Ni (16vol $31 move3 ynti hrito voci 4roolo 1411Ne trttct ottIVIes viIii WA 63112 Jr 5161 Tim Weimq) berter W311011on AI V(Ki I 4 tirstes bkrt cifV Tit bqey hiVie ttiAlstILK of owe rooliN 3 haft 4 111-ilopo tTDeled 1111-dmcf- IIII v1-4 11e01 trkotirV rnr 1101Sen 111 f1 town area Holincel IA it lovely linnle no ritY taxe5 own Ixtier near city the filowy vho nowt cnnao! Ii liY atEli101 STFrerwav Any II tireenwoorl ED 2-1384 02 PrW)Mg schnntm Kbortning cert ter Stino flown tineneerl WA 4 lEirl7 NICE 110)I IN So VIII MIAS 3-Petiroom hntlist ent flf(l 41197te 4804 Overton( WA A'3271 WA 4-7ple ALL Ntir VkAVIs rim cliptcTmAs 751 ht4 beinitirol 3 bedroom I the htillt Electric kitehett (len eir comiilonecl white brick hcine Mt 11M litivincle Ail rend to move tirrotteerl for req nottiblo Punt-lacer open Son(inv from 2 ft to Mill( he meet( (last or pH nnpolutmetit FIELD BAUGH MAN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 7r171 nr Pr7 nr(17 ttiit rrp ell 5 room brick 3 rtionik cmnolcd be i7-t fT09 1 t'r 308 7111 I Olittr (vi or fl anywhyrL FL) ti 77b Iner Powell LIGHT han1in anY kind JE YARD lila 5)(K leveling Plowing' pier post digging DotY WA 35293 HAULING moving Long" (Pawnee Depen(latne (while) jE 64813 TRACTOR Min (intim truck service leveling linti clean up MA 6-7003 MOVINI) $34150 ft room 4 room Pooling No loh too a3l11111 JE 66917 movitW Clean UP Joh reasonable MA 4-7320 YARI) WORN itindeitithi): Tree trimmer liPtuying Free egunates kiD 5-5578 IMOMPIOP MINIM Floor Covering Finishing 80 SANDING Mightn't Mors free es ims1 es timsom JE 53063 SAND FLOODS- Lo tile Linoleum wrrffr Prnre AL ES'IATE: LOANS BY Incivoinal In 11114014 Repair ioans 041141 buy notea t11149141 WILL WV firs lien notes and diuka tolins on real estate Briggs Pea 11 A Insoranre Eli 514414 litlY tIrsi lien notes on Fort Worlh and suburban nn)nerlY Jackson 13) 51414 A it 7214 Southemd Sc1p Aron 75F Sto''' altHATILM11111111111 411111111411111 stt 3 ty7Pituf DOWTI rig IVIonqL 4ROON1 1101iiir ninny big trees ritir4 Stturvios 71? IK ear WA 1 Tql 1319 190 jIIJI( i 4 sour- Whitt! 114 WA 3 0018 lIH (11VVIVII 11' I 00r sedan A 1955 FORD THUNDERBIRD tiover (rim I 1111011W 2 tut Will tf irk IN't 401011iS1 100 II PA) 5-9101 ik11 of ft lit 1 tiah tii biez liP1) ti t-iltIii l'E 7 IF( STATION WAGON yr10 (iini I radio heat er Vot $111' 'in ruin) Ile er 711 1'1) 5 11111 11111 1 ke it 1 (IA' 1 OW at In 'tow II I4 tr ilUA 102 dy I MA AI 110Ilet 11idio cE II NEW '50 Chevroietit iow as down tin to to pav manulactorer'a certificate 90-tlay 40t)011111e winrallt Bound Co 2j16 'Att vitt pen 1-17 4 t' 1 ItAVE hUN DAY Baker Mobile hom*o Sales 1111c Itut I A 1 I A $7 11)NN hi li? 111TIV IL 4 136 etttry one S1ccItItt atter 35 I A 'rH 73 11Venthet JItcheity ItAttEtAIN ec fur 14 oliwoliti cost bd) pI tAtrittottets Mt'ttoct 11 MR Intrtin nom' olotorcIt cle Met new 517 211 l'ordoin A It at ton ot ttn1) In I til Vitt 'IV 4 t4)2 ttEti No In I or i vire ot 10 70 ott tot catt (to 1II trLoo 01 Iii i)VV II ill CV 41111 'ro 3 nmtot to otett I Coto It' itt oohcl ID It 110 SAl i I 1 I iI i per ON' PritIV id Ste price tit 'I tt: 4 Pio t0010 1 1 PEA fliifl'L IthA 11thltteictti nod 11 ttpte IIII oes AU In LOP II ti) clihtlutn Aloter co 2n8 8 Jc1es 112C13 AI not toe Otoce 1100 DIM itAth CR 5-109t Water Well Dr1 811 WINTE ATZ W1I nrIllinc no down payment JE 6080 MURDOCK'S water well drillIna FHA loans MA 4-2g49 WA 3-3 drilled and ienntreT JE 42904 JE fj-94w) WATER weil tI Illina IIA r1V1111'nt A WW1 Dirt Gravel Sand Cement SF TOP KM and tuahlon sand pecan orchard Pope WA 3-4911 VERY BEST leaf loam sandy loam black dirt rotted straw gravel fill $4 up flarlan WA 72O79 POST OAK sandy loam won't pack FPrtill7er gancl gravel PE 8-2781 TOP SOIL black flower bed dirt leveling sand gravel JE 617(41 TRACTOR-Loader Yard leveled Cushion sand JD 64708 TOP 8011 -Sand gravel tractor work NI 1001ri 5111112 CHOICE Top snil gravel cushion and fill Delivered prompilY Williams WA 46192 NI) 10si ON I tIl teth tot weir eunt' 1m 1 It A (O el I' IV? MK 1 ilayti to red your North Sdo tom) etale Axe Reel itilliterR MA 4 812t NO CLOSING COST To loll earn today tor nor enuttl PINFit 7)26 Mil PA eeh for your amen houo or Int ti il1'ECIA117tNII In Vie51 bide and ICU home' 72346 FM BAILFT littr 1uhd oT gell rIli Allied I Prtiltv '1 PI 4 'lint PAY CASH FOR SMALL 17-1 nr 4roon hope An flAvF YIfl --tor 11011 Need I rill'' NIA No 41 net To APII 01 roLt urretnr" At '110(( 0 Pt a IF WE DON'T SELL yol opt lay WELL BUY III! col tow nn hotneq Pricel $ion() to 000 Lee ElttleUge 6-44oll anytIme BUMbER MUST SELL New Sberlroorn note nearing corn Go to 4ton Work Tarrant tart turn ono bltric north to Norris t4t Can handie with Str-At tittratns WA 11'72 I arineul1-1( -7171 itiOANASEAME NIEll141( Irmi Will have 9 tutotger New yenr it you Whit ft ritnh ttelr 04n there is pleilty of vol- tvr 100 Ayres Nes) hnlise with all eon lit'ffit11-t EX fl'tiei I Jet (l' ii a )tLtr vori Ac() firrii 14 ft ralit OH! ci be 111-chasel lr jgt 11 the MTh! Ott he ranit) Ni til water iNo tillber lll141 1)yr 1 l'1e a 111' tott'1t equet to Wm!) or call and tell me 11 i Jr 11o 16 iir to Ho TPNtic Volt For vra7h1 000 tviiiiiivith Comity Ir twin Write IC 111It box 41)6 Kee ()Mangum SPECIALS nonte Si 75 and uo H10-121446 $5 50 2x 18 $5 50 I 10 decking No 3 05k flooring SI 75 2101 svoloosv aid frame 50 khoodes $525 and up 0000d roll rotiing $3 00 onor i111141 I 95 W01 $13 Afl 01r10! It Comtlel line of b0100a materlals TEAGUE LBR CO nd Ell 2 a111 WAN( N'( 1 () 5-1otie to be moved Call Et) toor T() MoVE-3boiroom home 24)06 floublo lotritto blue both t'xtorek 500 raepevine RAI' JON 1-117I DOME to trinve Rai Jones Ti 1-1171 Miscellaneous Services 3-1W0M SATAA TAke cor or oickop down paywrot Al JE A118 a a a when you repair or modernize your home You'll find It pays to deal with on stablithed firm Our men have years of experience NO MONEY DOWN 3 TO 3 YEARS TO PAY MOVE IN FOR 8395 7ii24 1(41E3 Spend (lhrisintak in hew it-bedroom irlIA home moth' kitchen 01041 hem (If Bug car Port Only OPP If Irry! A I BAKER WA llfiti41 I ISROVILLS CO LI) 2-8365 CTIFTON1 pinni an tvnes tractol work Al 4-402 ()Al 1 11LE111A11 wur0 diTivvre1 YE 61goti 1F' 6-9379 UW111)0'4E118 W11)1-11)-toot stra'istr or wotlc I)Or $11 hour If 8-141 STOVES AND heaters retaiire1 rilmtlt Over 511 slres racitahts Scrvice calls $1 Fix-11 bilop 810 ti Main Asphalt Work Rome drivewaYs Drive ins pte For tree Entimaten days ED 6-0738 nights and 54214 Driveway Paving Co gw PON VAN lam 1111411 atirl Boggs lenity Ins LD 510439 a1SEMMMINMMIIWIEWOMMIMEMEENIMPEEMIIMImegnOilMiMMiag Weft 14'.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.